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Suppression of information

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Hilary Report 27 Sep 2003 19:26

Just go onto the SOG site, find the e-mail address for the govt and cut'n'paste the SOG address into an e-mail before hitting 'SEND'. Do it now!


Rosi Report 27 Sep 2003 18:57



Martin Report 27 Sep 2003 18:26

Funny how the government want us all to have to carry Blunkett Cards, our cars monitored so they are at all times, fingerprints are no longer destroyed is you give them voluntarily to help an invgestigation ...... Yet they want to limit the amount of information that we have access to. How long before a police CCTV in every house! MB


Trish Report 27 Sep 2003 17:44



Jacqui Report 27 Sep 2003 16:17

If you would care to read Family Tree Magazine Sept 2003 issue, there is a very comprehensive article regarding this proposed action. Very well written, and easy to understand, For £2. 70 for the mag. it's cheap to get full info on the proposals and a good Family Genealogy magazine full of info. etc. One important point the article draws attention to is that in Scotland and Ireland there is no 100 year rule, it's 75 years and works very successfully - so why not 75 years for England/Wales? On the down side the mag. tries to encourage readears to send for a 35 page questionnaire (for £10.00) which needs to be completed and returned to a certain individual at Civil Registration Review Consultation by 24 October 2003 - as if I had £10.00 to spare for such a questionnaire! - I would therefore encourage people to register their disapproval of the proposals via their MP - it's cheaper and just as effective if enough of us do it!

susie manterfield(high wycombe)

susie manterfield(high wycombe) Report 27 Sep 2003 14:47



Hilary Report 27 Sep 2003 14:39

Just pushing you up the list !!!


Rosi Report 27 Sep 2003 12:50

A lot of the thrill of this hobby is finding out just who how rellies were - so we cannot prove we were/are related until we have the certs. It is irritating enough that we cannot look at Censuses that are less than 100 years old - to apply this to other records beyond belief. another nudge.


Janet Report 27 Sep 2003 12:48

Thanks for that information Andrew. I think that I will get my copy now rather than later as it does appear that in future it will be far more difficult. Are we going to have to send them certificates to prove who we are before they will send us certicates that we want. I suppose the government may wish to tighten up on security to maybe stop "illegals" obtaining false indentities but that won't be of much help to the likes of us who just want to trace our trees. The phrase containing the words "horses and bolted" comes to mind. Janet


Andy Report 27 Sep 2003 11:33

Re: Janet's comments Reading the article on the SoG website, it would seem that restricted information WOULD be available to family members, providing they possess appropriate evidence to confirm their relationship. However, the definition of "family members" looks to be a bit of a grey area, at present. The Government white paper lists family members as being the following: Spouse/life partner; their children/stepchildren; parents/step parents (including guardians) brothers and sisters (including half siblings) grandchildren/step grandchildren; uncles or aunts (or if they have died their children). The SoG wants to broaden this group to include nephews and nieces, and preferably more distant blood relatives. Andy.


Margaret Report 27 Sep 2003 09:50

I recently obtained copies of birth, marriage and death certificates for all of our direct line within the last 100 years as I had heard about this. Don't know about current certificates, my sister was saying the other day that her marriage certificate was torn up, in error!! We were wondering about getting your own, you'll probably have to prove ID to be able to buy them. Just guessing, don'y know for sure though. Margaret


Janet Report 27 Sep 2003 09:35

Hi, Does this mean that if we want to obtain copies of our own certificates, e.g. I could do with a copy of my OWN marriage certificate, if the new law comes in I wouldn't be able to obtain a full copy of it. Better get one quick just in case. Janet


Amanda Report 27 Sep 2003 01:54



Rosi Report 27 Sep 2003 00:53

This needs to keep being nudged up - we have to do what we can to stop this ridiculous legislation being passed. Nudge


Rosi Report 26 Sep 2003 23:39



Andy Report 26 Sep 2003 22:05

Thanks for pointing out the link on the SoG website. I totally agree with what they say about the 100 year rule being unfair with regards to finding people who have died at a young age. What is the point in keeping 100 year restrictions, if said person dies in infancy? Having a blanket rule for births, deaths, and marriages is lost on me. Andy.


Sam Report 26 Sep 2003 21:19

hi please send me a copy also cheers Sam


Sue Report 26 Sep 2003 21:10

If you go to Society of Genealogists site - - there is more info and downloads. Sue at Langley Vale


Bryan Report 26 Sep 2003 21:00

Marly Nothing this Government does surprises me!! Can you please send me a copy as well .The more action the better LOL Bry


Elisabeth Report 26 Sep 2003 18:53

Marly, Yes please. You have my address. Elisabeth