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Canadian Genealogy Index

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John Report 26 Oct 2003 16:31

Thank you Lisa for offering to do this. On my wife's side I am trying to investigate more about George Shoyer. He was born in Canada in 1840. His parents were George & Elizabeth Shoyer (nee Kean). I think George senior was a sargeant in the Grenadier Guards and they were sorting out the French Canadians at the time. George junior must have moved back to England with his parents as he married in London in 1862. Any info on George junior would be appreciated. Thank you! John Stephenson :-)

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 26 Oct 2003 15:58

Jennifer, Georgina: Just came on for a second to check "things" (you know how it is -- have to check the message board!!). It's 8:00 am here -- I'm unavailable today, but will check when we get home, or at the very latest tomorrow night. By the way, the index covers the period 1600-1900, literally, but there are a few entries after 1900. I will check -- you never know! Did you see my last message before this one? There are a couple of fantastic sites you can try for Canadian information. (I will still check my index.)


George Report 26 Oct 2003 13:51

Does the index cover the 1920's? One of mine,Thomas Little went to work on Sparrow Ranch,Calgary several times during the 1920's. I have no idea if he and his wife Jennie eventually moved out there permanently. He usually went alone but its possible she joined him out there. Any assistance appreciated George

[email protected] Report 26 Oct 2003 13:43

i am looking for Harry Fletcher born March 02, 1877 in Lancashire, England came to Canada 1907, does he show up please, thank you Jennifer

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 26 Oct 2003 06:13

Hello Everyone: I started looking through websites, trying to find those elusive ancestors, but after searching for a bit, ran across a wonderful site. I think it would make more sense to give you sites to try so we know thorough searches have been done. The first great one is "Bob's Your Uncle, eh?" http://indexes(.)tpl(.)toronto.()on.()ca/genealogy/index(.)asp (remove brackets) The Toronto Public Library has a lookup service. They will do a MINIMAL search; possibly for provinces other than Ontario, as well? I've written a couple of times, asking for an address and where I might get information. They are very polite, rather speedy and very helpful. Library.http://www(.)tpl(.)toronto(.)on(.)ca/ask_adu_index(.)jsp Does everyone know about the LDS church and the IGI records? I've heard that Canada will not allow the LDS to obtain copies of their records -- I do know that there aren't too many Canadian records on the LDS site. Cyndi's List - an EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT source: http://www(.)cyndislist(.)com/gencan(.)html (Cyndi's list for Canada can be narrowed down to individual provinces, if you like.) has a free service, but never found anything there. I have found several records for my ancestors (fee-based). Well worth it, if you are stuck. http://www(.)ingeneas(.)com/free/index(.)html Soldiers of the First World War: http://www(.)archives(.)ca/02/02010602_e.html Sorry if I've disappointed anyone (about not continuing to look for you), but this way you can search so many more websites, and possibly find answers?? Please post a message if you find any of your elusive ancestors. I wish you all the best. Lisa


Michelle Report 25 Oct 2003 22:30

Thanks Lisa for taking the time to look for my House and Thomas families. Pontypool, Monmouth (now Gwent), Wales (sorry if I didn't say). You are right, there were and still are lots of House family members, Charles, (the one you were looking for), him and his wife had six, one of them James (g grandfather) and his wife, had 22, my Nan being one of them. The others, I will find out in due course (hopefully). Thanks again, M.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 22:20

Hello Everyone: I believe I've caught up to all the requests. If I've skipped yours, or told you I would get more information, please let me know! This is more confusing than I thought it would be! I've had a great time looking up things, just wish I could have found more. The CD does not allow me to copy and paste, so everything had to be typed, jumping from the CD screen to the GC screen. I did not include full source names for the "possibles" I gave you -- please let me know if you would like the full sources -- I would be more than happy to get them. I wish you all the best. Off for a break, then back to searching Canadian websites for everyone.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 22:12

Hi Rod: There aren't too many Jonas' mentioned. Only one mentioned Saskatchewan: J. Jonas, Event: Living, Year: 1911, Place: Regina, Saskatchewan, Province of Record Source: Saskatchewan, County of Record Source: Regina, Comments: Bookkeeper, Source: Henderson's City of Regina Alphabetical Directory for 1911, Volume/Page: 293, Note: the province and county are associated with the location of the record source and in some cases may not be the same as the place where the event occurred. There are about 25 Jonas', but as I've said, they lived in other provinces. I would be happy to search further if you think there is a chance that they could have lived in Manitoba or British Columbia. Please let me know if I may help. I wish you the best in your search.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 22:00

Hi Morfydd: There are five Charles House's on the CD. All were either born after 1830, or living in provinces other than Quebec. (By the way, found out where Pontypool is.) No mention of your Mary Ann House. No record for Mary Ann Thomas (with your dates). I've looked through all of the House's listed (my, they were quite a few!!) and typed any that mentioned your side of the pond: George House, born about 1846 in England, place of record source: British Columbia, from 1891 federal census. Mrs. Janet House, born about 1809, Scotland, province of record source: Ontario, from 1851 federal census. Joseph House, born about 1843, England, province of record source: Ontario, from 1861 federal census. Sorry, couldn't come up with anything for House. I know you are looking for Mary Ann (nee House) Thomas, but thought I would add this record, since it mentions Wales: Mary Thomas, born about 1811, Wales, province of record source: Ontario, county of record source: Stormont, comments: widow, holds a farm, from 1851 census. I'm very sorry I couldn't find anything for you. As with the previous messages I've typed, as I scroll through websites this weekend, I will continue to look for your House's and Thomas'. Good luck with your research.


Trish Report 25 Oct 2003 19:38

Lisa, sadly none of the above but thank you so much for trying - we have been looking for him for a couple of years now and are starting to think that this may have been a little white fib told to family and he may have actually been in prison!! (My hubby's side of family - not mine!). So by not finding him you have actually helped us. Thank you again. Trish


Tc Report 25 Oct 2003 14:29

Hi Lisa wondered if you could look up Jonas family (came to Canada from UK)? living in or around Regina Saskatchewan--names include--Pauline,Maurice,Joseph,Herman,Emma,Charles,Wynne,Leopold,Janette,Henrietta.Siegfreid--possibly late 1890's/1900's Many thanks in advance Rod


SueS Report 25 Oct 2003 12:15

Lisa your efforts are much appreciated....those SUDBURYS you found were pre 1911 so no connection that I know of. many thanks Sue Surrey


Michelle Report 25 Oct 2003 10:59

That's ok Lisa, not to worry, you have a good sleep. Catch you tomorrow or today, well, you know what I mean. Thanks, M.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 10:18

Hi Morfydd: I'm not finding any mention of your ancestors. However, it is almost 2:30 am, so I shall continue tomorrow. Perhaps I will have better luck then.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 10:07

Hi Richard: Sorry to say there weren't any Alberts on the CD, nor Annie Poole. Just in case you run across any other names in the future, here are the names that had 1900 dates (you're lucky -- 1900 and later is rare on this CD!!!). (First entry is the style used on the CD.) Moorhouse: Adelia, Event: living, Year: 1912, Place: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Comments: widow. Edward, living, 1901, Silverdale, British Columbia. F., living, 1902, Calgary, Alberta, Rancher. George, living, 1913, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Real Estate. Henry James, living, 1901, Vancouver, British Columbia, Agent. O. living, 1902, Calgary, Alberta, Rancher. Thomas, died, before 1912, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Sorry I couldn't find anything helpful. But as I've stated above, I will be searching websites this weekend and will keep your Moorhouse and Poole in mind. All the best. PS I would be glad to give you the sources, if you are interested. (They are mostly from Directories.) There were a few Calgary Moorhouses listed in the late 1890's, if you are interested?

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 09:38

Karen: Sorry, not much luck with your family, either. As I mentioned in the message above, since there aren't too many "Aspinall's' on the CD, I've decided to give you everyone. You never know, perhaps they may be related somehow (I kept information for 20 or so years and I am now fairly certain that information pertains to my family!). Aspinall: A., 1902, living, Innsfail, Alberta, Rancher. Alfred, 1911, living, Innsfail, Alberta, Real Est and Insurance, Notary. Charles, 1871, living, Montreal, Quebec. Daniel, 1891, living, Montreal, Quebec, Blacksmith. Elizabeth, 1866, married, Toronto, Ontario. Frank, 1891, living, Montreal, Quebec, Manager, Quilting Co. James, 1901, living, Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Watchmaker. Robert, 1851, living, Montreal, Quebec, Carpenter. Robert, 1871, living, Montreal, Quebec, Contractor. W.J., 1891, living, Montreal, Quebec, Engineer. William, 1871, living, Ottawa, Ontario, Confectioner. I'm checking websites this weekend for others and will look out for your Aspinalls as well. Good luck with your search. PS I can get the sources if you are interested. Just let me know, please.

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 09:18

Susan (Miller): I didn't have any luck with your Edward Sudbury, but since there were only a few Sudbury's on the CD, I copied down all of them (maybe it might be helpful in the future?). (It is now 1:15 am -- with all the problems I've had logging on, I'm rushing through this -- please see a previous entry for the correct "style".) J-P Sudbury, living, 1891, St-Lambert, Quebec, Comments: Insurance-Agent; Source: Lovell's Business and Professional Directory...1890-1891, vol/p. 545. J Sudbury, living, 1913, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Prince Albert (county), Comments: Teamster; Source: Henderson's Prince Albert Alphabetical Directory for 1913, vol/p. 234. J.P. Sudbury, living, 1891, St-Lambert, Quebec, Comments: Church Warden; Source: Lovell's Business and Professional Directory...1891-1892, vol/p. 908. James P. Sudbury, living, 1891, Montreal, Quebec, Comments: Chief Clerk; Source: Lovell's Business and Professional Directory...1891-1892, vol/p. 809. Sorry I coldn't find what you are looking for. As with all of the other lookups, I will spend time this weekend searching websites, so perhaps I may run across him soon. All the best.


Michelle Report 25 Oct 2003 09:14

Hi Lisa, would be grateful if you could look for Charles House born in Quebec in 1826, he married Elizabeth Watkins of Monmouth. They had six children, born in Pontypool, Monmouth. Also their daughter Mary Ann, born 1859 at Pontypool, Monmouth, she married Thomas Thomas in 1883 at Monmouth, she died in Kenora, Ontario in 1942. All of Mary Ann and Thomas' children were born in Pontypool, Monmouth, but one, Mary, died in Kenora, Ontario in 1989. Thank you very much, M.


Sue Report 25 Oct 2003 09:06

Lisa Thank you so much for all that info. Must have taken you ages! I am going to look at it thoroughly now. Thanks once again. You are a star! :o))) (((((Lisa))))) Sue

Lisa J in California

Lisa J in California Report 25 Oct 2003 09:00

Trish: The CD is an alphabetical listing of names (families are not linked together -- what a shame). Here is what I've found (the first entry I've typed exactly as is shown on the CD -- the others are abbreviated, but follow the same style). (I know I've included things that were not in your date range, but I would rather give you too much, than have you find out later that his father also went to Canada.) David Morrell, Event: Living, Year: 1871, Place: Newcastle, Province of Record Source: New Brunswick, County of Record Source: Northumberland. Comments: Labourer. Source: New Brunswick Directory for 1871, The Genealogical Research Library, Toronto, 1874, Volume/Page(s): 120. Please note: The Province and County are associated with the location of the record source and in some cases may not be the same as the place where the event occurred (this note is on every entry on the CD). David Morrell, living, 1896, Moncton (town), New Brunswick, Westmorland, Comments: Teamster, McAlpine's New Brunswick Directory for 1896..., vol/p 1207. E. Morrell, living, 1849, Nova Scotia, Isaiah W. Wilson, Geography and History of the County of Digby..., vol/p 193. Edward Morrell, living, 1871, West Port, Digby Township, Nova Scotia, Digby, Comments: Shoemaker, Nova Scotia Directory for 1871..., vol/p 253. Edward Morrell, living, 1896, Digby County, Nova Scotia, Comments: Fisherman, McAlpine's New Brunswick Directory for 1896..., vol/p 865. Edward Morrell, living, 1896, Hampton, New Brunswick, King's (county), Comments: Butcher, McAlpine's New Brunswick Directory for 1896..., vol/p 848. Edward Morrell, living, 1896, Place: St. John (city), New Brunswick, St. John, McAlpine's New Brunswick Directory for 1896..., vol/p 263. England was mentioned 5 times. Three times were marriages for women in the early 1800's, the other two: William born about 1795 in England (he was a widower, farmer in Ontario in 1851, source: census records) and William born about 1821 in England (he was a labourer in Ontario in 1851, source: census records). There were very few births included in the CD; closest date to 1862 was 1849. There were quite a few Morrell's listed, perhaps 225 entries. If you are interested in one of the above entries, I will get you the full source name. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Should you wish clarification on anything, or further lookups, I would be pleased to help you. All the best with your searches!