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Grave Inscription - FAO Zoe in London or Merry or

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Ian Report 11 May 2006 10:04

Merry, sorry just got back to my PC but will be checking most of the day if you have any more questions. To save you reading them all then you only need the extra information I posted yesterday on page three regarding the marriage of John Thomas Gill and Annie Hart. However the overall thread is about trying to tie the inscriptions on a grave stone with my ancestors so it started with tracing the ancestors but we didn't get very far so we tried going back from me but got no where until I received the marriage cert. So any help at all is most gratefully received? Thanks in advance. Ian


Merry Report 11 May 2006 17:53

Well.....I've read everything! It's a tricky business making the link back to before 1901. I woud say for some people it is the most difficult part of their tree they will ever undertake, as if you make an error at this stage it is critical to everything you will do in the future, plus it is something undertaken before most people have had much practice with research. I bet there are a lot of people tracing the wrong tree altogether because they have made assumptions to reach the 1901 census. Still, that doesn't have to be the case here!! You have the marriage certificate and there's a reasonable chance the ages given on that are correct. The bride is underage, so there seems no reason to lie, though I have a couple of certs where the bride has said she was 20, when she was either 18, in one case, or 19 in the other! Note that the marriage was in February, so it's likely they had not yet had their birthdays in that year yet...... You mentioned that your father could remember his Grandfather, John Thomas Gill. Can you quiz your dad as to what happened to his Gill grandparents? If they died after 1969 then their date and place of birth will appear on their death certificates. This info is provided by the informant at the death, so may not be correct, but having said that, of course many details were given correctly. you know when they died? Merry


Ian Report 21 Jun 2006 13:41

Sorry for the delay Merry but I've been very, very, very busy. I seem to recall a wedding being involved at some point but the most important time was when I was signing a marriage certificate of my own for future generations. :) I also have added a mystery of my own too because the registrar has put the wrong initials on the certificate for me. So in a hundred years time when someone is looking for Mr I Gill they'll stumble across a Mr A Gill and get really confused. Mwahahahahahahaha Back on topic: All the information I have on the Gill side of the family is here I'm afraid and my dad can't remember much else.


Merry Report 21 Jun 2006 13:51

Congratulations!! Cracking open a bottle of champagne as we speak! I hope they corrected the cert for you???? So, your dad doesn't remember his grandparents? (after all this time i have no idea why I was asking you that in my last post, but it sounds like a good question!!) Merry


Ian Report 25 Jul 2006 15:53

Merry, Sorry, since the wedding we've had an illness and death in the family so I've been helping with that. As I said before, all the information I have for the Gill side of the family is in this thread. I might, when it cools down a bit and I have got the funeral out of the way collate all the information together and start a new, easier to read through thread on here. Sorry for the delays between posts. Ian


Darleen Report 6 Apr 2014 04:37

I am searching my ancestors, William john Gill born 1832 in Castleton ( Gell) married Elizabeth Moore born in 1836 Douglas. Williams parents on his birth certificate was William Gell and Catharine. This sounds like the same family you were looking for. William Gill of 1832 had William Gill of 1958 of Castletown, who had William George Gill of Liverpool 1884, and he had my father William Gill 1921, Ontario Canada. [email protected]


Darleen Report 6 Apr 2014 04:37

I am searching my ancestors, William john Gill born 1832 in Castleton ( Gell) married Elizabeth Moore born in 1836 Douglas. Williams parents on his birth certificate was William Gell and Catharine. This sounds like the same family you were looking for. William Gill of 1832 had William Gill of 1958 of Castletown, who had William George Gill of Liverpool 1884, and he had my father William Gill 1921, Ontario Canada. [email protected]


Darleen Report 6 Apr 2014 05:46

Hi, again. I just re- read all your notes above and I am definitely releated to the family above. My Aunt ( born Elizabeth Gill) did the family history back to William John Gell born 1832 by asking family members and getting the stories. Then I found a birth certificate on Ancestry for that William and his parents were William and Catharine . Then I found his siblings which were mentioned you the rest of you, Elizabeth in 1835,Henry in 1840 Edward in 18 42, and John 1847 . I even have a picture of Willam Gill 1832 ( first son of William & Catharine) with his wife Elizabeth Moore born 1836 in Douglas. .Apparently the first son was always William as the story goes It goes back 7 generations and my father is the 7th one.
Also some of them went to Liverpool. where John 1947 married Jane and he stayed there the last that I found information. I also have a list of his descendants for a few generations. it was on a different list from my aunt, so it took awhile to find out where his list came from. I have a web site with some things on it if you would like to look. I have not joined John's family to it yet, I have to find out how to put them together. They were mostly seaman as far as I can see. My great grandfather Willam Alfred Gill 1858's wife died (Bella Sophia Raddish) when my grandfather William George 1884 was only 7, also he had to leave Liverpool at 7 and go to live with his Grandfather Wm Gill 1832 on the Isle of Man. William 1858 was a sailor and could not raise him. When Wm. 1884 was 19 he left Isle of Man via Liverpool and came to Canada where we all live. ( near Toronto)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2014 11:25

Welcome to the Boards Darleen.

As the last post on this thread was in 2006, Ian probably doesn't check it any more.

You could send him a personal message by clicking on his name. If he still has the same email address he registered with, GR will notify him that you are trying to make contact.


ErikaH Report 9 Apr 2014 09:23


If you leave your -email details on here, your posts are likely to be reported.

If you read the site guidelines, you will see that it is not permitted to post personal e-mails on the isn't sensible, either. The boards are not secure, and not everyone who accesses them does so for honourable reasons


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Apr 2014 10:21

Just in case......(without the email address)......

Darleen Report 6 Apr 2014 04:37
I am searching my ancestors, William john Gill born 1832 in Castleton ( Gell) married Elizabeth Moore born in 1836 Douglas. Williams parents on his birth certificate was William Gell and Catharine. This sounds like the same family you were looking for. William Gill of 1832 had William Gill of 1958 of Castletown, who had William George Gill of Liverpool 1884, and he had my father William Gill 1921, Ontario Canada.


Darleen Report 11 May 2014 04:27

I believe you are all talking about my ancestors. I even have a letter William Gill 1832 wrote to my Grandfather for his 18th birthday in 1901, and have a picture of him with Elizabeth Moore of 1832 his wife. I have all my information because my aunt of 1908 wrote everything down and handed it to my parents. The first son as far back as I can find was William Gill ( Gell) for apparently 7 generations according to my family and it ended with my Father in 1921 William Gill who is still alive at 92 and doing well. Look forward to hearing from any of you , Darleen Gill [email protected]


patchem Report 11 May 2014 07:33


Did you try and contact Ian, as was suggested above by Detective?

Also, could you remove your email address, as was also mentioned above.

Have you looked to see if others have your family in their trees on here, and then tried to make contact with them, instead of waiting for them to contact you?