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GR - My B****y tree!

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Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 20:08

merry what tosh even in a foul mood your still sweet and nice so there :-p Vicky i aggree this site need a compleat re build but its never gonna happen. you think ITV would spend 10k to rebuild it not a hope in **** and they have put the renual price up, 2 months in charge and they want more profit as if £6.8 million last year was to little. Back to the single malt have you tried the Ilsay <sp> one now i love that one. Steve


Alan Report 28 Feb 2006 20:11

Can I suggest you take a backup.Use the Import/Export tree gizmo on the left and export your tree. It will send you an email with a gedcom file in it. Then at least you can get back to where you are now if you have a problem. If you have another package on your PC, have a go at loading the gedcom into that to see that it's not damaged. Do you really have 2500 people or was that an exaggeration??? If you do have that many, then you might be pushing the limits of this site and/or your PC. The fact that the towns drop-down is missing loads of huge towns really bugs me too, but it always lets me leave it blank. Make sure you change it back to 'Select a Town' or whatever before you try to save. The fact that you have to enter a year bugs me too. I'd like to have a second option tickbox like 'c- circa'. How about 'nac- for not a clue' or 'ygiagam- for your guess is as good as mine' Alan


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 20:28

Alan, I only uploaded this version of my tree today!! I don't want it back!!!! LOL (only joking!) I can't be pushing the limits, because that bloke ''Christopher'' has a tree with 100,000 unconnected people on it (don't ask!) Merry


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 21:57

Hiya Merry, glad I'm not the only one having rpobs with the syustem. try this one for size. *waves to Allan* Hows you hon. Long time no see. Looking up info on my tree for a particular relly (Donald McGregor), I noticed he didn't have a country of birth added in (he was one of the peeps tranferred from old tree system). So , being a conscientious tree keeper I added Scotland. Clicked on enter, and what happened???? Scotland was added as country of birth. His wife (Janet Fisher) also had her name changed to Donald McGregor. So Donald was married to Donald. When I clicked on wifes name she once again became Janet Fisher..................but was married to Janet Fisher. So here I have Janet Fisher, father Donald Fisher, mother Christian Campbell, spouse Janet Fisher. Thinking I was clever, I changed spouse back to Donald McGregor. Again hit enter, and I now have Donald McGregor, father Donald Fisher, mother Christian Campbell, sister Janet fisher spouse Janet Fisher. Click on spouse and I have Janet Fisher father Donald Fisher mother Christian Campbell brother Donald McGregor spouse Donald McGregor. I've deleted as many of the family I can in order to change things, but the system won't let me delete any of the remaining peeps. How on earth do I fix this one???? Rebs xx


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 22:01

Oh, I know the answer to that one........ Go to wall behind 'puter......switch off wall socket and remove plug. Any other wires joining 'puter to wall.....remove. Take 'puter, screen, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, sweet wrappers, plates, mugs and other rubbish and put all into a LARGE cardboard box. Take box and put in car boot. Drive to local tip. Put in skip. There......all your problems dealt with in one go..... Merry


Alek Report 28 Feb 2006 22:02

Merry, try using it's much easier than struggling with the atlas especially if youhave a plate of pancakes on your lap!


Unknown Report 28 Feb 2006 22:06

I should have come to you earlier Merry. You're a great help!! pmsl!!! ;-p


Cath Report 28 Feb 2006 22:08

Oh b****r, worried now, just came on to boards while waiting for upload of tidied up tree completes. Finger's crossed it'll all be fine - who am I kidding - if it could go wrong it will - been on the gin - sends me paranoid!) :0(


Merry Report 28 Feb 2006 22:10

LOL Cath....Teresa, how did you know about the pancakes? Rebs....glad to be of assistance :O)) Merry


Pete Report 28 Feb 2006 22:13

Merry, I think your problem was caused by the software being unable to recognise ages with fractions. Adrian Mole had the same problem I think! Hope you've got it sorted now, or found the wine bottle! Pete


Cath Report 28 Feb 2006 22:14

and apparently being on the gin creates an urge for unnecessary apostrophes. Anyone spot the 'finger's' or did I get away with it?! Probably needs a thread to itself anyway


Alek Report 28 Feb 2006 22:19

Merry, L thought every one would have golden syup and sugar all over their computer tonight! Oh dear! who's forgotten?


Cath Report 1 Mar 2006 05:40

Merry you are not alone - just checked my upload and wierd things are going on - my great grandparents on my dad's side have been detached from the rest of the tree and one of their children has been 'married' off to a random relation from my maternal grandmothers line. And some spouses have been made to look like they are the first of 2 but there isn't a second listed and there are bizarre connection lines all over the place - some going nowhere. Haven't got an email from GR yet to say if there are any problems (my email server is having problems too, maybe it wasn't the gin making me paranoid) with the upload but I'm reckoning they'll say it's all fine!! Cath


Patricia Report 1 Mar 2006 08:51

Thanks for the giggles, guys. May I ask another question about GR messing up some links? A few days ago, I was entering data direct into the site (don't have another program on the home computer ... yeah, I know, a real amateur). Anyway, the site went down/dead/offline/screwy during a SAVE and now I have this guy who is his own wife's husband AND their son. When I click on *her* name, it looks OK (except for the son part ...). When I click on the son name she floats in the ether above unconnected to anything. When I click on the husband ... well you get the picture. I have tried deleting all their real children, to thin out the branches, but even then when I try to get rid of the 'son' / husband / wife trio it tells me I can't because they are connected to too many people. So apparently even without the other kids these 3 are in a silly circle supporting each other and therefore undeletable. I emailed GR for help a week or more ago -- silence. I guess that might be normal, huh? Anyone have a clue what to do (other than delete my whole tree or drown it in chardonnay, thanks). (P.) Janet


Alan Report 1 Mar 2006 09:02

Janet Two possibilities 1) load your tree into a PC program (there are some free ones about) that will allow you to delete the offending peeps. 2) manual edit of the gedcom file (I've done this, but Eeeeeek) 3) Alcohol (never before a manual edit) 4) Errrrrrr..... 5) Always start by taking a complete backup Alan (hic)


Kate Report 1 Mar 2006 09:39

All I can say is, I'm so glad I use the GR tree as my main one and export it! Thanks for the warning; I will make sure not to import one. But I have never been forced to select a county or town, only country. So I only get annoyed when I have to choose a country for somebody whose country of origin I don't know, and luckily that's not very many of them. Have you tried 'old tree programme' to see if that will let you do what you want? Kate.


Heather Report 1 Mar 2006 09:59

Merry, I think the answer is, go down to the local DIY shop, buy an old roll of wallpaper, open same and then import your tree on to it manually. Afterward , open your file on GR and click delete all. Hope this helps or you could always google for information or ask Val 'I wish I hadnt started' for techi help.


Alan Report 1 Mar 2006 10:12

I think we're getting there. Once you have completed your wallpaper tree, open up your computer and shove the paper tree in shouting 'now scan that you electronic %$&&£%$'. Then take up yoga. Alan


Heather Report 1 Mar 2006 10:16

PS I do think it would be wise to back up your roll (in case the worse should happen and it gets used on the kids bedroom wall) on to perhaps gold plates - DO NOT use loo roll.


Joy Report 1 Mar 2006 10:46

.... and I shall ring the men in white coats now.......... :-)