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My best tip after googling - get Tescos home deliv

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Abigail Report 14 Mar 2006 14:02

Hi Ladies, thanks for this thread, I've ben laughing out loud :) I've found Tesco's great although I have to say a wise friend said to me 'Intenet grocery shopping is great but you'll want to smash the computer the first four times you do it, just make sure you keep trying and it'll prove its worth'. I have to say I've only done it three times (been great) and this time is the fourth - roll on Thursday and the nice Tesco man! Abi


Unknown Report 14 Mar 2006 13:13

These messages have broght a smile to my face. Here is my hubby story. Shortly after we first started dating, 20 years ago my now husband broke his hand and so I offered to iron his work shirts for him. I am still doing it now !! Every time I mention the fact that he is more than capable, he holds his hand and complains of the pain. The best phrase that I hear come from him is 'I've done the washing up for you'. So, I am the only one that makes plates and cups dirty?? Bless them.....Lauren


Jayne Report 14 Mar 2006 12:29

He bleeds red but that could mean anything! He even runs the bath for me - you're right he's definately an alien. Jayne x

Devon Dweller

Devon Dweller Report 14 Mar 2006 12:26

My sister recently moved house. She left her 17 year old son to pack up his own room. When they got to the other end and she'd finished unpacking all of the rest of the house stuff she went and made a start on his. She found some nice plates complete with mould packed neatly in one box then a cup then a mug before she ran from the room screaming.


Chrispynoodle Report 14 Mar 2006 12:13

Jayne, is he an alien from outer space? Check to see if his blood is green.


Jayne Report 14 Mar 2006 11:55

Well I must be the lucky one! My other half is a stay at home dad. He does all the housework and the washing. Takes little man to school and back, does all the running around with after school activities and even attempts ironing! He does try and make something edible in the kitchen but we haven't succeeded with that one yet although he's great at chopping stuff up. As well as that little man at 7 also knows to put the toilet seat down, wipe it when he's dribbled (sorry but he does!) and takes his dirty dishes into the kitchen. God I am blessed!! Jayne x


Doreen Report 14 Mar 2006 11:22

It's all very well giving all this free advertising to Tesco, but I am registered with them for the internet and they keep cutting me off when I'm trying to collect my hot matches. Maybe they would look more kindly on me if I had home delivery. I hope that wouldn't mean they drop the food on the front drive whilst delivering!! That would equal the cutting off activity. Doreen - not yet broadbanded.


Chrispynoodle Report 14 Mar 2006 10:01

Thoroughly enjoyed the thread, ladies. Sorry to say though that, despite best efforts, have bred a son who is just as bad. He loves to collect plates and cups etc in his room, which I can just about put up with, but it's the mouldy food and smell that gets to me. He has developed a tactic of agreeing with everything I say and saying he will bring it all down...but he never does. Then you are left with the biggest pile of mouldy, caked on health risk food to deal with if you dare to venture in there. My friend told me that her son was still like it at 27.....noooo 7 more years. Just have to hope some little darling gets hold of him, poor girl.


Sharon Report 14 Mar 2006 06:55

After reading all your replies I am even more sure than I was before that all men are basically the same - SELFISH ! My dearest one being pretty useless in practically EVERY area. He recently decided that he no longer wanted to be with me and our daugther so planned his escape very meticulously (remembering of course not to tell us anything about it) and then phoned me at work to say that he had left us - having taken what he wanted from the house. I now do all the housework, cooking, ironing, shopping, looking after daugther etc (instead of only the 85% that I did before) and still work full-time BUT it is easier 'cause there is less mess, less shopping to do, less washing, less ironing !! I have been meaning to try Tesco home delivery. Might actually get round to having a go this week. Thanks all for making me smile with your replies.


Georgia Report 14 Mar 2006 05:06

Men do all of this deliberately, so that you'll never ask them to do it again. It's called passive aggression. Mine has blown the lawn mower up, set fire to the tea kettle, bought a photographic enlarger instead of the teapot he was sent out to buy,left the washing up until after midnight and then built a precarious tower of draining dishes that really p****d me off when I tried to dismantle it to put them away, and countless other attempts at being pathetic enough that he won't have to do the job again. What he doesn't realize (after 28 years) is that I'm on to him... ...and the dog is too. Yesterday, after he had woofed and woofed to go out but to no avail, the geriatric weiner peed on husband's study floor.


Heather Report 13 Mar 2006 22:59

LOL Merry, you can swap if you want, yours is a good deal younger than mine! Its the same with directions isnt it - they will NEVER ask the way. I will ask the way a dozen times if I have to - what is demeaning in that? Right, Im off to bed, oh, 7 hours sleep nearly tonight. I do hate getting up at 6 a.m. its so unearthly, at least its light now. Nite nite.


Merry Report 13 Mar 2006 22:52

..............................and they couldn't possibly say to the other person on the phone, ''Hang on a sec, my wife is just trying to remind me about something'', because that would (in their eyes) make them seem incompetent...................................................................................................... Hmmmmmm ...............................funny that!! Merry


Merry Report 13 Mar 2006 22:48

Heather...................I think I have a HOT MATCH!!! Your hubby is living a second life as MY HUBBY!!!! He does that with the phone, exactly the same! Merry


Heather Report 13 Mar 2006 22:42

Its a shame people have had these bad experiences with Tescos, they were a god send for my dad when he was no longer able to walk up a steep hill to the shops. I guess all services have bleeps but I have found them very good if I want to whinge about an unsuitable substitute or whatever they always give me vouchers against the next order. And Ive never been disappointed with the quality of the order and certainly not seen that they were due to be out of date! I guess Ive been lucky, Ive no doubt things do go wrong, but my nearest supermarket is Waitrose and if you have ever shopped in one you will know that you dont get 2 pizzas for £2.88 - you get one pizza for £4.99. Back on the subject of men - gawd Merry, what really really annoys me, hubby is on phone to someone - I suddenly remember something important he needs to know whilst he is talking to this person - I stand in front of him and mouth said important info - he shakes his head and looks other way. I get a bit of paper and write a note with said info and hold it in front of him - he holds his hand up to me. He gets off phone, I tell him the important info he should have known whilst talking on phone and he says 'How can I talk and listen and see what you have written?' Now I dont know about you, but I can talk to 3 kids, watch the telly, read and write all at the same time.


jumarcat Report 13 Mar 2006 20:46

all very well if Tesco will deliver...... my last 2 orders.. (months apart i must add as they pissed me off) were both cancelled... 1st one the van broke down..... didnt know they only had one. 2nd.... the weather was too bad....... so bad i was able todrive to local supermarket and pay over top prices for whole weekly shop and I know they tried to deliver the next day in much worse weather to a more rural location........ They need to grovel some to get me back. cant wait till asda start round here. hurry up Asda


babs123 Report 13 Mar 2006 19:16

Hi Heather, Yes it's definitely a Man's thing, I find it is impossible for them to do more than one thing at a time. that's why they are unable to cook a meal and produce something that is hot and all ready to dish up at the same time. BTW I heard Tesco (and others) pack your boxes with everything that is just ready to go out of date, great way for them to clear their shelves!! Kat


Merry Report 13 Mar 2006 19:15

Ann and Heather............What about CREMATED toast and rolling black smoke all round the kitchen??? Mine does very good gravy, which is great, but I am not allowed to speak to him at all whilst he is doing it, because...... ''I can't listen, I am stirring''!! Merry


Heather Report 13 Mar 2006 18:35

The thing is Ann, your hubby could quite easily have gone to the hospital canteen and had a full meal before/after visiting you but you see that wouldnt be in the master plan would it? You go in, you see wife/baby, you go home, there is no way they can think in a flexible way. And I bet he ate your ******* grapes aswell! When I had pneumonia in hospital, to be honest I wasnt able to eat, so I used to keep the little tubs of mousse etc hidden in my bedside table so that when he came in with 4 year old son I could give them to the poor little soul, knowing he had at least had something to eat that day other than toast.


Chrispynoodle Report 13 Mar 2006 16:53

Love this thread, ha ha ha. Hope there aren't any men reading it though. But everyone is sooo right. I can remember being pregnant and desperately wanting some chips. On the tele a chap is always willing to run off to pander to his pregnant wife's needs. Not my little darling, he just looked at me as if I was mad.


Heather Report 13 Mar 2006 16:44

Yes a bit like when you run out of bread and say 'Can you get a loaf of Hovis bread please?' as they are popping out for petrol or something. Back they come 'Got the bread?' 'No, they didnt have Hovis' They cant seem to work out any bread would be better than no bread, can they???