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Family History - DANGER!!

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Chrispynoodle Report 30 Apr 2006 15:51

Well, I feel very relieved that my dad's big nose didn't surface in me or any of the mum's nose genes must be very strong!!!! Just apoint though, why did people always look ugly in old paintings? Perhaps evolution is changing us all into beautiful people (slight hiccup with me though!) Chris


Ann Report 30 Apr 2006 15:41

Why do you think I call myself Hienze 57. Not just because of my rellies coming from 4 different countries, but because I have been told by different people, ooh dont you look like your Dad, Mother, Maternal Gran or even that I look like my Grandad. I am now, as I get older, beginning to get worried. My Grandad was bald!!! my Gran, who I must admit I am like in build, was a nasty old women with a face to match, only met her twice as her and my Grandad divorced when my Mum was young and Mum came to live in England. I am like my Mum in personality, like a good laugh and getting to know people, have my Dads green eyes and hair colour. My Son is always telling me, that I am getting like my Mother in my mind as well..............just because I forget a few things. Ann


Rosi Report 30 Apr 2006 15:22

After a DNA test that proved he was indeed my father too, my recently found half sister has sent me a photo of him in army uniform in 1941. He's helluva handsome - but try as I might I cannot see any of me in him, except, maybe, sticky outy ears!. Can't see that my children have any of him in them either. He has a slightly cleft chin, which I think is supposed to be carried down generations, but neither my hsister nor I have it, none of my children either. Don't know about hers - will ask her. Hope that she can show me some more photos soon too. But then, like several others on here, I'm turning into my mother, and my daughter is turning into me. And I have often stated, much to d-i-l's amusement that my grandson loks like his paternal grandfather -and has his great grandmas legs! He's not four yet! Rosi


Heather Report 30 Apr 2006 15:02

Hmmmm Merry and where did this man train as a cabinet maker - not Stepney or Camberwell under a master called Hanson who may have had a quick dalliance with his missus I suppose?

Linda G

Linda G Report 30 Apr 2006 14:58

My two children and my two grandchildren look exactly like my husband. Having recently seen photos in a book of some of his close relatives from the 1850's onwards I can see the genes on that side of the family must be very strong they all look alike. My SIL and I feel very left out lol Linda


Merry Report 30 Apr 2006 14:22

LOL! Well, g-granny with The Thumb was the dau of a man who was supposedly trained as a cabinet maker, but though I have him on the census 41-91 he is always down as a house decorator, so suppose he wasn't accomplished at saw, chisel and hammer? Her hubby was supposed to be a stone mason, but he prefered to be a pub landlord!! All right for you? Merry


Heather Report 30 Apr 2006 13:56

I thought you meant you had legs like 50 year old oaks aswell! Strange, the thumb thing, isnt it? I mean it looks like an accident, a crushing injury. People always say, How did you do that? And the nail never grows - I can have a beatiful long nail on the other one but looks a bit silly if the fat squashed one hasnt grown. Dont know Merry, your lot all seem to be much higher class than mine!


Merry Report 30 Apr 2006 13:45

Oh Heather....I knew we must be related!!! My first cousin has that thumb thing!! She found adoption papers and assumed she was adopted, but in fact the papers were for her adoption by her step-father and her bio-mother. Cousin didn't believe that until bio-mum (my auntie) pointed out they both have the thumb thing! Apparently my great-granny on that side had it too...... Got any Allens or Lakins in your tree?? Merry


Heather Report 30 Apr 2006 13:33

I wish I had my mums legs - well dads would do aswell come to that. I think there must be a large oak tree or elephant in the family line somewhere.

Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 30 Apr 2006 11:55

I look like my father unfortunately.... my brother and sister are like my Mum. Hard to believe but we have no family photos further back so no idea what any of my grandparents looked like. Trying to make contact with a first cousin who could possibly have photos of my paternal grandparents. Jean x.


Beverly Report 30 Apr 2006 11:26

How funny, I think everyone does this, compare, I have four siblings and I am the only one who I can honestly say looks like my Grandfather. I KNOW what I will look like in years to come. I always say 'I look like the Polish/Jewish side' (relatives killed in Auswitch) where as the rest of my family are all English Roses with red hair (even my TWIN, she has red hair that hangs in natural ringlets!) My boyfriends family all compare when they get together, but admittedly, he is the image of his Grandfather! xx


Heather Report 30 Apr 2006 11:21

The other strange thing I have is the thumb on my right hand is completely different to that on my left hand! The nail never grows and you would think Id had some sort of accident with it cos its flattened. Mum had the same and she said her father had the same thumb as well! Sis doesnt have it. I wonder how long it has been in the family?


TinaTheCheshirePussyCat Report 30 Apr 2006 11:19

I have an old album full of photographs - 99% of them I have no clue who they are, but they will keep looking back at me with my own eyes. It's very disconcerting. However, I did manage just once to turn my likeness to my father to my advantage. My mother was having a go at me (yet again) for being just a tad (!!!) overweight. I pointed out to her that it was her fault - she chose who my father was to be. Tina (wondering whether to start yet another diet)

The Ego

The Ego Report 30 Apr 2006 11:18

Fathers rounded shoulders Fathers same tooth on lower jaw indented! Fathers same morose attitude Fathers same artistic bent (ooer) Fathers same obsessiveness with collecting Grandfathers forehead with exact same indents above the eyebrows,making me look a bit devious ! I have studied the eye area and it is identical in my father,aunt,and grandmother Height from my mothers father Long fingers from my mother Bad feet from my mother and her mother! My mothers ability to build up in rage and let rip ! My mothers side through her mothers father-we all share an ability to scribe well - adept at handwriting. Its incredible how influential genes are.....I reckon that if I had known my father from birth I would have tried to not be like him,but as we spent most of our lives separated,the genetic tendencies flourished and were not affected by nuture .


Unknown Report 30 Apr 2006 10:38

Not sure Heather. My parents didn't bring me up, that was left up to anyone else whose doorstep we got dumped on. I don't look like my father, but his mother once said I had my mothers legs. Never did work out if that was a good thing or not. lol!!


Rachel Report 30 Apr 2006 10:37

Don't they say that if a man wants to marry a women, he should firstly look at his future mother in law? Well, I think that I'm turning into my Mum. Not a bad thing though, thankfully my husband gets on well with my Mum! I love looking at old photos of my my parents, grandparents and great grandparents, trying to work out who looks like who. My 2 year old daughter is the spitting image of me at the same age and I can see so much of my Mum in her too. I often wish that I could have photos of previous generations (if only the camera was invented earlier!). But then I think if we're carrying on their genes then I must be looking at them in my family.

The Ego

The Ego Report 30 Apr 2006 10:34

merry- have you checked if you are related to the Healey Dynasty ?pmsl.

Linda in the Midlands

Linda in the Midlands Report 30 Apr 2006 10:30

I look like my Dad, but since having teenagers I sound more like my Mom 'Turn that row down, you can't call THAT music' 'if you fall off that and break your leg don't come running to me!' 'do you think I have a money tree growing in the garden?'


Heather Report 30 Apr 2006 10:28

In some ways its a comfort, isnt it? In others - SCREAM - you feel you have no control over your reactions as you are a copy of them.


Unknown Report 30 Apr 2006 10:22

LOL Heather, you're turning into your parents. Beyond help now. *shakes head sadly*