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Christian Names - How Many Generations In Your Tre

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Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 11:40

See Below

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 11:40

Hi Everyone I have an Ellen born 1785 and in every generation since, in my direct line, there has been an Ellen up to and including the present day – I’ve not traced further back on that line yet so it could go further back. That’s 8 generations of one Christian name. How far back can you go? Direct line and sidelines? Snowdrops


Heather Report 9 May 2006 11:45

Ive got a James in both the Horstead and Hanson lines from 1764 on Horsteads up to the last birth in my line in 1925 and from 1710 on the Hansons up to the last one in my line born 1890.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 12:02

Thanks for that Heather. Any more anyone? Snowdrops


Phoenix Report 9 May 2006 12:31

I have five straight generations of James Broomfields (with siblings William George Mary Elizabeth Anne - if the names are good enough for royalty, then they're good enough for us). The trouble is that they all merge into one. They would have had different personalities. Even as ag labs they would have had different skills. They would have worn different clothes, but they feel like rent-an-ancestor. The last Edmund Skillings, on the other hand, was a stationmaster who died in the 1980s. The name is used through the generations, back to at least the late 1600s. There are even earlier men who bear the christian name, but they laugh at me, those tudor and early stuart Edmund Skillings, as they know I can't prove any link. (In this family at least, there are Edmund the porter, Edmund the pauper, Edmund the woodman, Edmund the policeman, his son, Edmund the convict etc)

Charlie chuckles

Charlie chuckles Report 9 May 2006 12:35

My brother is Micheal Gibson Kirk, as was my gr Grandad, several g and GG granduncles cousins etc., the original Michael Gibson was born in 1754 and is my GGGG Grandad so the names been in the family for 252 years!!

Glen In Tinsel Knickers

Glen In Tinsel Knickers Report 9 May 2006 12:36

I have George in my Hay line over several generations. The earliest is from sometime in the 1700's,then a son in 1810,grandson in 1845,g g/son in 1880 and another one born 1911 via brother of the 1880 George. Same for my Elmer line 4xGeorge and 4xWilliams 3xJosephs. Martha and Hannah happen in both lines for the wives and daughters. Glen

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 12:41

Hi Everyone Thanks for your replies It's nice isn't it when you can see the name being carried through the ages. Have to admit when I found out it had been around in our family so long I was really pleased as I didn't name my daughter just for the sake of carrying the name on but as a tribute to my mum. The fact is has been around so long is just a lovely added bonus!! Pheonix I loved the Edward the Policeman and his son Edward the Convict. Made me laugh out loud!!! Snowdrops


Debbie Report 9 May 2006 12:44

My nan was Margaret Elizabeth, her mother Margaret, her mum Elizabeth (her sister Margaret) , her mum Elizabeth (her sister also Margaret) and her mum Elisabeth. Broke the line with my mum. On my dads side, him, his father, Grandfather, G Grandfather were all called Arthur.


Merry Report 9 May 2006 12:45

I have five generations of Richard Wells. They are all Ag Labs and came from the same village. I feel I don't know them at all..... They are all my direct line ancestors.... Merry

*** Fuzzy

*** Fuzzy Report 9 May 2006 12:51

I have a John going back five generations John Murray 1870, John 1854, John 1822, John 1797, John 1770!! Isn't it strange if sometimes you know you have the right family before the certificates arrive as they seem to name their children all the same names, i have too mny Ellens, Julias, and Sarahs to count in one family!! karen


Sylvia Report 9 May 2006 13:18

My hubby was Albert Edward , as was his father and grandfather, all second sons, my hubby hated the name Albert, so my second son only got the Edward as his second name.

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 16:19

Hi Yes, Karen it's nice when you can see patterns forming in names and you just know 'yours' the instant you see them. Debbie, for a minute there I thought you were going to tell me your grandads were called Margaret and Elizabeth - lol. Sylvia it's funny how some people prefer names over others, I always wanted my great aunts name (annie) but got lumbered with something else. Still nowt to stop us calling ourselves what we want is there? Snowdrops

*** Fuzzy

*** Fuzzy Report 9 May 2006 16:24

Hi there, Talking about calling ourselves what we want. i sent off for my grandmothers birth certificate, I was wondering if it was the right one as we knew her as Florence Clara, the birth certificate arrived and she was actually Clara Florence Alberta!! The birth date and year was correct though as was her fathers name. By the time she got married she was Florence Lillian, but there was an amendment made by the vicar years later saying she was formerly known as Clara florence Alberta, then when she died she became Florence Clare!!! as if this tree building lark wasn't difficult enough without our rellies calling themselves different names.


Janine Report 9 May 2006 16:35

Hiya.. My grandad was born Harry but on some certs he is also henry !! Margaet Elizabeth and Ellen, also Corneliusand Arthur goes through my Family too. been pulling my hair out trying to trace the rellies. Janine


Caz Report 9 May 2006 16:36

William Woodmans every generation going back to 1744 - perhaps beyond?. Looks like we're onto the last one though - no-one in the family seems to have thought about carrying on the name


Janine Report 9 May 2006 16:43

My Mum is Margaret Elizabeth and I gave my daughter the name Elizabeth because I was being a bit sneaky and wanted to honour my Mum without the MUVVA IN LAW realising where the name came from (didn't want to add her names as well!) It was only when I started this that I found out how far the name went back on my Mums side. Janine

Snowdrops in Bloom

Snowdrops in Bloom Report 9 May 2006 17:00

Lynda, Granny Fanny has a certain ring to it though don't you think. Lucky you out in Cyprus - I lived there for four years (Limassol and Episkopi - no telling why I was there then!!) Janine I've had that with the Henry/Harry thing too. Also with my 4 x Grandmother who was called Agnes but on every baptism for each of her children she was variously called Agnes, Ann, Annie, Nancy and Nanny - know it was her it was a small village and her husband Richard was the only nail maker there!! Carole is there no chance of you carrying it on then? lol Fuzzy, if I'd been your Grandma I'd of kept the Clara, I think it's a lovely name - but like all things I suppose fashion maybe had something to do with it? Keep them coming Snowdrops


Christine Report 9 May 2006 17:37

6 generations of Fredericks someway in the name, including our grandson and at least 7 of John (if you include Jonathan, which is our son named after my dad, John), going back to 1756. Future generations will no doubt look at the assortment of names given to children nowadays and ask 'Where did THAT come from!'

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 9 May 2006 17:44

Well Snowdrop you won't believe this I have 75 Georges' in my tree Norah