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I know it's been said before

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Maryanna Report 23 Oct 2012 18:54

Exactly K and Anne, and Reggie as K says lesson learned, nobody, apart from my brother in law ( who hasn't touched his 19 name tree in over five years ) and a friend who wanted to see if we had a link ( we didn't ) have my tree and I haven't opened it for anyone for five or six years.

I just find it galling to find that if someone who does'n't know any better looks at these trees and copies them - I know it is up to them and all their own fault if it is wrong - then the wrong tree just gets spread even wider. It just feels wrong to me, personally , if I find that they think my great grand parents are not who they actually are, silly I know but I just like to have things right and proper.

I know that I know who my ancestors were, I would just like anyone else who is that interested, or interested enough to actually go to all the trouble of putting all my family on their far far away tree, to get it correct. M


ErikaH Report 23 Oct 2012 16:45

I don't honestly see the point of getting in a tizz because someone else's tree has inaccurate info.

The only one that matters is your own

If you don't want people to help themselves to your research, don't open your tree.

And NEVER allow anyone access to a tree which includes living people.............

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 23 Oct 2012 15:32

Oooh don't get me started on this.
But now that you have............

.....really very annoying isn't it.
I used to wonder at these people who copy the info straight to their tree , blatantly copying, mistakes and all,they obviously never check with any certs or parish records, census or anything. So how interested in genealogy are they really? Not very much.

I have also found that they don't want to know when you point out a few errors to them. One chap even had his grannies birth date wrong, as I had the wrong year originally but once I got the birth cert I corrected it and then told him., giving him the full info but he wasn't interested . How strange.

Stranger than that is that there are now several trees on the Ancestry Members Trees all with identical mistakes, because they have copied HIS tree which contains some of my original mistakes. I don't have my tree on there. I wouldn't make it so easy for name collectors, not any more.
It's a lesson to be learned.
Now I give details only to those I feel are genuinely related and genuinely interested, but I don't open my tree, I just give them the basic info they need and helpful suggestions of ways they can look for more if they want. :-S


P.S. Anne - well that's a very close connection isn't it!!!!! NOT. As you say, absurd!! :-D :-D


GlasgowLass Report 23 Oct 2012 15:31

I couldn't agree more.
I have a very large tree and I researched it for myself, correcting my own errors as I went along.
I would hate to withhold this info from anyone who has a genuine connection but l get really miffed at where it eventually ends up.
I am only interested in direct (and deceased) descendants of common ancestors and have no wish to delve further into families of spouses ect unless they are directly connected elsewhere. For this reason my full tree will contain names of parents and siblings of a spouse but my interest ends there.
There are researchers who have a bit of shared ancestry to whom I have opened my tree. I later discovered that my complete family tree ( OH side included) had been collected and added to their own.
I will never understand name collectors or their reasoning.
I have posted this before, but I will put it here again.

One rather arrogant individual actually told me that I need to accept the difference between family history research and genealogy and EVERY person in my tree is related to him, if only by marriage!
His shared ancestry are MY gggg grandparents.

He is extremely proud of the absurd tree of 30,000 names, and even provided me with the EXACT connection between himself and my HUSBAND's great uncle....
Wait for it.....

1st cousin 1x removed of wife of brother-in-law of sister-in-law of 3rd cousin of husband of sister-in-law of paternal grandfather of wife of brother-in-law of 1st cousin 3x removed of wife of 2nd cousin 3x removed of husband of 1st cousin 2x removed of husband of aunt of wife of 2nd cousin 2x removed.

Yes absurd!


Maryanna Report 23 Oct 2012 14:53

Maddening, isn't it. I have just found someone on another site, using my mothers very unusual name as part of their user name ??? !!! Where on earth did they come up with that one, they are about three million miles away from me but have all the family on their tree. It must have come from her name as I have found no other records anywhere for anyone else with it . just liked the sound of it, I suppose. Most odd. M


Malcolm Report 23 Oct 2012 14:38

I know how you feel. LIke you, I innocently opened my tree to someone who trawled the lot and posted it all over other sites. Her own tree was full of mistakes. It seems some people just want to have a massive tree. Hers had 24,000 people!

I have spent hundreds of pounds on documents and thousands of hours studying. I dont grudge sharing it with "serious" researchers but It annoys me to see my good research mixed in with speculative trash. :-|


Maryanna Report 23 Oct 2012 14:22

Hi, I know this has been said before but I am getting thoroughly fed up with finding my ancestors on wrong trees. Does nobody check anything for themselves ?

When I was new to all this and had a rather wonky tree I was innocent enough to let a few people look at it. Two of them scrumped it word for word and plastered it all over every site they could. They also added all my husband's side. Why ? So now my Mother's father's side and my Father's mother's side are everywhere, but WRONG.

Since I have been to look at church records and bought certificates I have realised my errors. Obviously no one else has done that and they just get copied more and more.

Another chap copied my Mother's mother's side and apart from some rather odd names that appear on a couple of census forms, which I realised were wrong once I got the birth certs, and he hasn't changed, is largely correct. There again these bizarre names have been copied by others with no thought as to whether they would be right or not..

I have messaged a few people to tell them my original tree was wrong and so far nobody had bothered to reply. They probably just think I am some mad old bat sticking my nose in. It just really annoys me as on the whole they are MY family and miles away from anything to do with them. Why do they need my parents or even me or my children on their tree ?

Actually having read this, I do sound like a mad old bat and for that I apologise, just needed to let off steam !!!! Sorry. M