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Do you believe in GHOSTS?

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Elaine Report 29 Feb 2012 12:15

I beleive you dont really leave here. Your body may go but your spirit or soul stays.
I lost my dad in 1986 and my mam in 1996.My 1st grand daughter Billie was born 2006, so she never knew them. I dont even have pictures around the house of them. Got loads just never thought to put any up. So one day when she was about 3yrs old she woke up and my daughter Joanne could hear in her bedroom talking. So Joanne went into her room to check on her and shes saying theres a man with a bird ! at the window. There wasnt anyone in the room with them. Anyway she mentioned the man with the bird a few times. Then the peekaboo lady appeared. . One night Joanne let my grand daughter sleep with her. The peekaboo lady was there as well. She was putting her hands over her eyes and saying peekaboo to Billie, and she was playing it back. Scared the life out of my daughter lol.
So Joanne mentioned it to me I just said not to worry they dont mean any harm.My mam used to say you cant have trouble with the dead its the living you have to watch out for lol.Anyway one day my sister had sent me some old pictures and I was looking at them with Billie and came across an old black and white picture of my mam and dad on their wedding day. Billie pipes up there the man and peekaboo lady . She had never seen these pictures before. Billie stopped mentioning mam and dad I was ok with that at least I knew they were looking after her.
The other day Billie said to Joanne mum whos that little girl whos just gone into my bedroom...there isnt anyone other children in the house just Joanne and Billie so looks like somebody else has decided to visit lol.Joanne has said shes head children laughing in her house so has Billie . Just one of those things ..


Chrissie2394 Report 29 Feb 2012 10:58

I assure you KevinSiggs, I am not at all embarrassed about it all.

I'd like to read a reply of yours on here after watching an episode of Psychic Detectives. It is your right to be a non believer but the tone of your replies on this thread come across as being quite insulting to those on here who have given examples of why they believe.




Janet Report 29 Feb 2012 10:30

I have never seen a ghost, don't want to, but I have definitely sensed cigarette smoke in my home. However I have been in the company of some good mediums when they have shared their knowledge with some non believers.This has been done within the Spiritulist Church, free of charge.
I am not happy with the cost of psychic shows but then again I wouldn't be happy paying twice as much money to watch a football match. People can chose how they want to be entertained.
Have to agree with Jillian though that non believers do appear to defend their case more ardently than people who believe...............jl..


Kense Report 29 Feb 2012 07:47

No, but I had noticed all the credulous ones seem to be female, apart from a couple of OHs.

You refer to the men who have replied being cynical but if you read posts on this thread nearly all the non believers say no they don't believe and sometimes why. There is very little of what could be called cynicism. I think the word you should have used is scepticism.

Most of the cynicism is in the posts of believers anticipating cynical and disparaging replies.


Braken Report 29 Feb 2012 07:32

Have you noticed it's all men that have been synical regarding the unknown ;-)


WhiffingSiggs Report 28 Feb 2012 21:26

Go and see a medium Braken, give them £30 of your hard earned cash. They'll try and convince. Maybe you'll give them another £30 ?


WhiffingSiggs Report 28 Feb 2012 21:23


I think the believers are a bit embarrassed about it all. Ghosts and the like are for people who couldn't quite get over it when they found out Father Christmas wasn't real.
All the ghosts you need are here in long lists. Millions of dead people. Haunting us... teasing us with their lack of life, their inability to tell us anything, their complete and utter lack of being. What colour hair, what smell on their breath, how did their laugh sound, were they happy ?? DOB, baptism, marriage, burial. Some numbers... 1800,1801,1802....1873, 1874... tick tock tick tock the ghostly life clock...


Braken Report 28 Feb 2012 21:19

Some very interesting comments thakyou I have been on and off all day
I think there is deffo something out there and I would like to learn more but I have no idea how to go about it ;-)


Dorothy Report 28 Feb 2012 20:58

i beleive :-S :-P :-D :-P


Chrissie2394 Report 28 Feb 2012 18:07

I have never seen a ghost but I do believe there is a spirit world.

We are each entitled to our opinion and should not belittle those who have a differing opinion to ourselves.

There is a programme on the Crime channel called Psychic detectives where some Psychics in America have assisted local police in murder cases and missing persons. Through the victims spirit, the psychic 'witnesses' what happened. One of them is Phil Jordan, he does not offer his help, he waits for the police to contact him. He has helped them solve many cases. My husband was a non believer until he watched a Psychic Detectives programme where the murder victim was telling the psychic where his body was. After watching it, my husband agreed that there had to be something in it.



WhiffingSiggs Report 28 Feb 2012 17:28


Mick in the Sticks

Mick in the Sticks Report 28 Feb 2012 12:10

Ghosts only exist in the depths of peoples minds.


EssexRose Report 28 Feb 2012 11:21

Each to their own,believe or don't,who cares what others think!as long as you're ok with it let it go.


Kense Report 28 Feb 2012 09:36

My great aunt, who gave me a lot of family history information, was a spiritualist and always promised she would come back. Sadly I am still waiting after 22 years, as I now have a lot of extra information that would interest her.

Recently when I was at my daughter's I dozed off after lunch and when I awoke there was my grandson in front of me. It seemed very real but in fact he was playing in the next room. I had not experienced such a realistic illusion before which is why I talk about the mind playing tricks.

One evening last summer we had just gone to bed when there was a strange noise of something moving about the bedroom. That was a bit scary but it turned out to be a young swift that must have flown in the window earlier in the evening and become grounded.

I have had one experience that I can't explain. A few years ago we had rented a house in Cornwall. Some time after we had gone to bed the telephone handset in the hall started making that noise that it makes when left off the hook for a while. Sure enough it was off the hook even though none of us had used the phone that evening. In the guest book there was mention of a ghost but in spite of that I'm still not convinced.


Kense Report 28 Feb 2012 08:27

Actually Jillian it was quite a lot of centuries ago that everyone believed in a flat earth. Certainly not scholars since the time of Pythagoras and Aristotle. The idea that everyone believed it at the time of Columbus is false.


Jonesey Report 28 Feb 2012 08:14

The question asked by the original poster was "Do you believe in GHOSTS?"

It was to be expected therefore that amongst those who responded there would be those who replied in the positive (Yes) and those who replied in the negative (No).

That said there is no need for respondents from either camp to attempt to belittle those with an opposing view. Everybody is equally entitled to their own opinion.

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 28 Feb 2012 07:37

No - the difference is believing in objective duplicatable scientific evidence, or believing in anecdotes and "feelings".

One way leads to the rational logical world, the other leads to a world ruled
by fear and superstition, where the gullible are prayed upon by charlatans or worse by religious cranks!

xxxxx mick


JustDinosaurJill Report 28 Feb 2012 00:29

Well everyone seems a little 'sensitive' if you pardon the pun.

What's wrong with accepting that we all have different and sometimes conflicting opinions?

It never bothers me if someone believes or not. I do. So?

But I've always felt that those who don't believe often want to prove their case more ardently than those who do believe but It's no more worth getting upset with each other than a discussion on Pepsi or Coke and which is the best.

So please let it go. Respect the opinion held by someone else no matter how it might conflict with your own.

Just remember that what we know or we think we know about this world changes constantly by science or other means.

My son was left damaged by a vaccination that is claimed to be totally safe and without the side effects he suffered. I know it damaged him but getting it accepted as not being so safe is something that will not take place in my lifetime. On the days when this hits me hard, I remember that not that many centuries ago, everyone knew that the Earth was flat and one day the truth will come out.

I don't object to anyone telling me that my beliefs are a load of rubbish but it's not right to insult me or others who feel the same. Those who don't believe, have no more right to have a go at those of us who do than we have to make comments about their lack of belief.



WhiffingSiggs Report 27 Feb 2012 23:22

There's a lot of money to be made out of the dead...


WhiffingSiggs Report 27 Feb 2012 23:19

Spiritualists often set March 31, 1848, as the beginning of their movement. On that date, Kate and Margaret Fox, of Hydesville, New York, reported that they had made contact with the spirit of a murdered peddler. What made this an extraordinary event was that the spirit communicated through rapping noises, audible to onlookers. The evidence of the senses appealed to practically minded Americans, and the Fox sisters became a sensation. However, the Fox Sisters later admitted that this "contact" with the spirit was a hoax.[1][2]

"The Death Blow to Spiritualism" Ultimately a confession by the original spiritualists (and hoaxers)