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Susan Report 10 Jul 2013 06:45

Hello Friends

All gone walkabout for a while I see. ;-)

Still cold and wet here .

Cricket starts tonight here...first test .
I do not think we are up to it this time but hey we can all live in hope. :-D

The boards have been very good the last week or so ...very peaceful .

I have the Grt Granddaughter here so it is a bit hard to do this now she wants to be on their computer as well :-D....they learn quick these days don't they.

Nice to have a little one wrecking the house again :-D

love to you all <3



Susan Report 7 Jul 2013 08:17

Hello Friends

All back to normal now ....whatever normal is :-)

I can't believe how cold it is here ,our fire has not gone out for weeks .

I still have a brick wall that is driving me nuts but I will get there ...just hoping more records come online for London,I need the Parish records now 1700's .

All of my lines are just about there as well so it is going to get a lot harder from here on.

Still getting that error message a lot ...I think we are all learning to live with Genes not working right ,I do love the site and the boards but it does get very annoying .

Robert I do hope you are OK and your eye op went well.

Love to all my other friends <3

The boards have been nice and friendly for the last couple of days...very refreshing for a change...I wonder how long it will last :-S

Sylvia ..hope you enjoyed your trip :-)

Back to my tree :-D

Suex :-D :-D :-D <3 <3 <3


Tabitha Report 4 Jul 2013 13:40

Sally - what a shock & lot of trouble you have had – Hospitals seem to be quite bad at this these days with waiting lists.

I was very lucky as my first op was an emergency - the 2nd one was a correction as the 1st one went wrong - so they couldn't put that back & the last one had to be done on a set date.

I think if it had been just a routine one it would have had to wait

While I was recovering there were two emergencies in less than an hour – so you can see why things get pushed back - but is no fun when you are on the other end & have been waiting for so long.

Sue sorry to hear you have been unwell - Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you all for your anniversary wishes – it does not feel like 15 years. My in-laws celebrated 68 years a few days before ours.

I am getting on really well with the tree as spent most of our week off sorting out queries the OH had found on his & trying to get it in some sort of order. He wants to file it all alphabetically so he can find the people - i want to file it in generation order. I know what he means as it would be easier for him to find, but I would hate it & as I said how on earth are you going to know how many generations you are back , as I keep all the files in order. Normally I can find the right one.

I have managed to get him to colour code the computer file now so its a lot easier to see who belongs to who - had great fun the other day - one of the families - the main parents were the Maroon line - 2nd child was also Maroon line - 3rd child was the green line - 6th & 7th children were the blue line.

Talk about inter family marriages - all we needed was one of the others on the 4th family line & they would have all been tied up together.

I know in one family two sisters married two brothers from another side – but they were all from the same family group - so the same colour.

I just seem to come from a family of multiple marriages

Had to buy 3 new large A4 binders as it seems the tree has grown so much its splitting its seams .

It was an enjoyable week away from the office .


Cynthia Report 4 Jul 2013 13:11

Hello Everyone.... <3

Sally, what a nuisance for your OH. I hate it when things like that happen so I hope it all gets sorted very soon.

Poor old Sue.......sounds as though you have really been suffering from something very nasty. Glad you've recovered and I hope your OH's op goes ahead without too many problems.

I remember having my appendix out when I was about 10 - it was 6 months after my father had his out.... :-D

I've been busy what with one thing and another.........and was supposed to be going out for lunch with a friend. However, she phoned to say that her husband wasn't too good so we have cancelled and will meet up again soon :-)

The boards on here are quiet and slow compared to how they used to be. At one stage, a few years ago, they moved so fast that it kept your attention and interest but now...................... :-(

Have been for some lovely walks recently. As we move from Spring into Summer (!!!), it's great to see the leaves and hedgerows coming out. We stopped by a recently cut down tree last week and admired all the whorls and patterns inside the trunk. We're so fortunate to live adjacent to a country park with it's rich variety of wildlife and plants :-D

Like Sue, I've also been working on my tree and am waiting for a b/c to arrive - it seems to be taking ages............but maybe I am just a bit impatient :-D

Take care all.......Cx <3


Susan Report 4 Jul 2013 12:19

Hello Friends

Sally your medical Hospitals sound the same as our over here.

We have long waiting list here too and the same thing could happen to my OH when he finally gets his date for op.

I can't wait for it to be done but by the time it does I think he may be retired anyway.

Boards are quiet and thankfully peaceful at the moment,wonder how long it will last though :-(

Made a few comments on the boards yesterday but being very careful what I say and how I say it

It is so cold here today 17c ,the fire has not gone out for weeks now :-D

Getting stuck into my tree of late ,doing OK too :-D

Get back tomorrow
Love to my friends <3

Suex :-D <3


Sally Report 3 Jul 2013 22:02

hello all

oh was to have his op tomorrow thurs but yesterday afternoon phone call to say its off because his bloods not wright and to make an appointment at the hospital

so he thought surely it can be done at the gp as it costs £50 by taxi if my daughter cant take him

but before he phones we get another callthat his op is off he says we know we have already had a call thet said you know that you have been put at the end of the list because you missed your appointment today no I did not have one today my op onthursdayhe had been booked in twice it took ages to sort out

phone call from doc blood test Friday at the gps :-S

how much longer will he have to wait its since april he has been on the list

I think when you get to certain age they don't bother

my rant over

hope your all well

sally w <3


Susan Report 2 Jul 2013 06:48

Hello Friends

We have all been down with a stomach virus this week ...not very pleasent I can tell you.

Good news on the OH's Surgery on his neck,they have decided to operate but when is the question .
Our public Hospital system is not unlike the UK's very overstretched so it could be awhile at least we know what is going to be done.

Worrying trends on the boards at the moment hope it gets back to normal soon.

Sylvia Glad all went well with SIL Appendicitis can be very worrying ,at 62 I can say I still have mine :-)

Hoping for rain today for Perth,we have had a dry winter for Perth WA so far but down South where I live we have had more than is OK though got all my washing dry :-D

Anne ..Happy belated Anniversary,I did not know Sandie but she sounded like she had a lot of friends on here :-(Don't feel guilty I am sure Sandie would be pleased you played the game as usual.
I have stayed away from the boards too ...been to sick anyway :-(

OH is waiting for his lunch so off again <3

Love to you friends <3

Suex :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Jun 2013 00:45

Hi Sue, and everyone

Anne ..... don't go beating yourself up. You did nothing wrong!

You never know what is going to happen ......................

one of OH's nieces is down in the Greater Vancouver area ................. her husband has been brought down by his company to teach a couple of 1-week courses, so the family came with him

A came to see us on Tuesday morning, with her 2 little girls, 3 and 5 ......... gorgeous children!! A said she had "tummy pain", but thought she had not been drinking enough water with being out of her routine and staying in hotels for about 10 days.

OH's sister phoned last night (Wednesday) ................. husband had taken A to hospital, and she had been diagnosed with appendicitis :-(

At 10 pm, she was waiting for a surgeon to come and see her.

We came home from afternoon coffee this afternoon (Thursday), and a message on the tape from A ....... a bit weak sounding, but cheerful. Letting us know she was fine but now "short 1 appendix"!

They do have some friends who live very close to the hotel where they are staying (not in Vancouver, about 50 km away), and they are helping out with the little girls ............. even though they have a little 3-month old.

it's raining here :-(

take care everyone



Cynthia Report 26 Jun 2013 18:35

Hi Meg,

To be honest, you will probably get more help if you post this on the Find Ancestors board as more members look on there than come on here.

Basically, the first post on this thread is giving advice and the rest is just chat between a few members who come and go.

Hope this helps.

Cx :-)


Maid Report 26 Jun 2013 15:01

My grt Uncle was
Albert Henry PEMBLE born Birchington Kent in 1865
Catherine PARKER born Gratham Lincs 1862
on the 12 July 1888 in Cook County Illinois USA

they returned to the UK, sailing on the Colombia from NY to Southhampton landing
19th July 1894

on the 1901 census they were living at Beach House Birchington with 2 adopted sons
Herbert Fontaine PEMBLE born 6.3.1895 in London and
Edward Albert PEMBLE born 1.3.1901 in MInster, Thanet

1907 they returned to America

I am trying to find the birth mothers of these 2 boys, as I am in contact with descendents of Edward Albert PEMBLE. There is a family story that Herbert is the son of a french girl whose surname was Fontaine but I have found nothing to back this up.

any help would be very much appreciated

kind regards


Maid Report 26 Jun 2013 14:45

Hi everyone, I'm not sure it this is the right place to post, but here I go.
my great uncle:
Albert Edward PEMBLE botn 1865 bap All Saints Birchington Kent
on the 16th April 1865
married Catherine Parker born 1862 Grantham Lincs
on the 12th July 1888 Cook County Illinois.
the couple returned to the UK (childless)
on the 19th july 1894 from New York to Southhampton on the Colombia.
on the 1901 census they are living at Beach House Birchington Kent with 2 adopted sons Herbert Fontaine
born 6.3.1895 in London and Edward Albert
born 1.3.1901 born in Minster on Sea Thanet. (date of births found on other docs).
1907 the family moved back to America travelling from Liverpool to NewYork.
I am in contact with descendants of these 2 adopted sons, Is it at all possible to find the birth mother of these two boys.? The family story goes that Herbert Fontaine's mothers name was also Fontaine and that she was french but I have yet to find anything to support this. Any help would be much appreciated.
kind regard


Tabitha Report 25 Jun 2013 21:26

Thank you Cynthia - I think I knew things were ok - just a bit of a shock with Sandie - dont think may of us knew she was that ill

Hope everyone on the thread is well

Reece - how is the new apartment

Evelyn - I miss you

Robert how are the eyes now

Keep up the walking Cynthia

May be missing tomorrow as we are going out hopefully - couldn't go today as my car is in being mended & dont take the Driving school car for leisure trips as puts too much mileage on it - will do if we have to

Need a new high viz breaklight - £152 plus VAT & labour - there goes the holiday spending money

Take care all :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Cynthia Report 25 Jun 2013 20:05

Happy Anniversary for yesterday Anne............ <3 <3 <3 <3

Whenever I hear the word Dymchurch, I always think of those old novels by Russell Thorndyke which featured Dr. Syn :-D

As for the other things, I can quite understand how you feel on both counts, but you certainly don't need to feel guilty!!

Sandie's death yesterday caused quite a stir on the boards.....with some very unnecessary comments - we seem to be going through a phase of that at the moment.

As for the woman shouting at you in the street - that was not your fault. Try not to feel bad on either count - you can't be blamed for something you knew nothing about.

Picked up my grandson from school yesterday to take him to the dentist. As soon as he got in the car, he said he felt sick. Great.........not in my car you don't boyo, I thought. I took him back to his house and settled him down there. Turns out he was as right as rain by the evening. It wasn't fear of the dentist - he is really good about going there.

Have been trying to go for more walks lately and, this morning, had a lovely walk along a nearby lane. We are fortunate enough to live within a few hundred yards of a country park and the scenery is wonderful. I leant on a gate this morning and simply drank in the view of waving grass, meadow flowers and dappled sunlight coming through the trees and listened to a bird singing it's little heart out. Awesome.

I know everyone is busy, but send my love to you all...........Cx <3


Tabitha Report 25 Jun 2013 16:41

I feel very guilty - I have been posting on a games thread - and added one yesterday.

Went in this morning to find out the lady who started it had died yesterday, and the other posters have noted they were not going to post out of respect - I wouldn't have done mine if I had know but I didn't .

If i had gone to the chat board first I may have seen the announcement - but as they have been a bit strange lately - I haven't actually read them for a week or so as didn't want to get caught up in any unpleasntness by accident It all seemed to be getting a bit fraught.

Now i feel awful because I was enjoying the thread.

So to stop me feeling miserable OH took me shopping (was looking for some sandles & ended up with a handbag). When we got back OH parked the car further down the road as our end was parked up & that end empty. As we were walking down the road a neighbour we have never met before came out & verbally attacked us in the street.

She accused us of being disrespectful - aparently she had asked several neighbours to clear the road as there was a hearse due - it was the first time she had ever spoken to me & she has been there for several years - she caught me just at the wrong time & I shouted back at her in the street- Not something i have done before .

I should have just ignored her , instead of joining her on that "lower level" - now I have been brooding on that all day too. I feel such a fool for letting standards drop & just hope she wont do any damage to our car. Wonder if any of the neighbours i do talk to heard. I think i will keep a low profile - trouble is i ahve to walk past her house to get in & out the street as we live in a cul de sac.

All in all a day to forget. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(


Tabitha Report 24 Jun 2013 08:15

Its my 15th wedding anniversary today at 11am.

We have the week off but may pop out for a couple of day trips - cant afford a lot more unfortunatly.

At the moment my OH has taken my car out to be serviced & we will go & collect it later - pop into staples for a few bits & bobs - I do love pottering around stationery & computer warehouses & showrooms.

Then we are going to get changed & walk down to a new restaurant close to home & have an anniversary meal with a glass of wine - my in laws sent us a small cheque to treat ourselves. Its about a 15 min walk downhill & we can get a bus back home - its a very steep hill to climb back.

Thats the problem of living at the top of a hill - they have turned an old bank into a Rib & Steak house - which a few of my office have been to & its reasonably priced too - it will be a nice treat.

Oh wants to gon on the Romney Hythe & dymchurch railway tomorrow if the weather is going to stay nice - Its so expensive these days £16 each he did want to go back to Dover castle but it costs a fortune - so thats probably out.its £17 each - however if you join English Heritage for the year its £70 for the both of us. I dont know if we will end up using the pass a lot if we did.

Anyway - this wont get the research done will it - will check back in later

Take care all


Sally Report 23 Jun 2013 22:34

hello all

know what you mean Cynthia I have been sitting on my hands I see that fbg has been drawn in so she must be feeling better

john I am hopeless at spelling

sue how lovely for you my friend whom I have known since we were 3and went to nz at 16 we still keep in touch I hope you enjoy a good gossip

Robert are you allright

I wish I could say it is ao hot here that I don't know how to stay cool ......but I cant :-)

sally w <3


Cynthia Report 23 Jun 2013 21:06

That's lovely for you Sue........I bet you're both very excited at the prospect of seeing each other again - Skype has it's uses. :-D

I've been missing for a few days and I see I'm not the only one......I guess everyone has so much to do and to keep busy with. I've been trying to get more walking in and haven't done too bad really. If the morning is nice, I will try and get out with OH for a little while. Once his meds have kicked in, he is able to go for a walk so I have simply joined him.

I've finally had a response from a new found cousin of my husband's - it's just a shame OH isn't interested........doh. Actually, he has more cousins from that branch than he knew about.......but he still isn't interested.......MEN! ;-)

Was halfway through typing this when a visitor's so easy to get sidetracked away.

I had to get a new oven last week because there were several things wrong with my old one. It duly arrived on Thursday but the gasman couldn't make it out until Friday - so - we were squeezing past this large object all of Thursday evening and, of course, I couldn't do much in the cooking line so, fish and chips it was!! It looks very nice though and I am pleased with it.

Haven't done much on Evelyn's thread for a few weeks - we need something to crop up to set us off again. I don't think I've ever come across a story with so many brick walls in it before........

I will go for a browse around now and see how the latest 'storm' is brewing but won't get mixed up in it will end up going round and round in circles as these things generally do.

Love to all and take care......... Cx <3


Susan Report 23 Jun 2013 07:02

Hello Friends

Very wet and windy in OZ today a good old thunderstorm.

The last few days have been great for me :-D

I have been looking for an old school friend of mine for years ,I last set eyes on her in 1966 when I left the uk to live in OZ ,she was my best friend all through School.
looked through trees on here and there were a few with same name and date of birth so I sent them all messages and one came back .

After a few checks with his mother we worked out she was my friend from School so we have been busy chatting and sending photos.

It is wonderful to be in contact again,her son is going to set up Skype for her on Monday so we can see one another...I just can't wait until my next trip back to Uk to meet up again.

Sylvia it is hard sitting on ones hands isn't it,I have tried but slipped a bit yesterday but I was very careful what I said .

Drop in again tonight :-D

Love to all my friends <3 :-D



SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jun 2013 21:25

Hi Sue, and everyone

I had not realised that it was so long since I had posted.

Robert ................ hope the cataract operation went well

John ........ nice to see you back posting.

Arthur ................

we have wild raspberries growing on the land at our cabin. OH leaves them be until they start growing too close to the cabin or on pathways. Then he just pulls them up.

But ours bear fruit. The berries are small but, oh, so good!

Anne ............... I'm also breaking down a few walls. Very satisfying!!!

The widow of our friend who died early in May was also at the conference we were at 10 days ago ................ she is doing very well. A couple of little weepy moments, but only momentarily.

She's having a "Toast" for her husband this coming Saturday ............. he had an incredible wine cellar, so she hopes that a few bottles will be emptied!

We're going over there for the "Toast", will stay overnight in a nearby hotel, then come home on Sunday.

I think she is planning for his ashes to be buried or spread somewhere at the Botanical Garden.

Otherwise, we are both well. We have not yet been up to the cabin (too busy!!), but now have a realtor going to look at it and give us an appraisal for selling.

Take care everyone



Susan Report 18 Jun 2013 05:28

Hello Friends

John ..nice to see you back and I know what you mean getting used to computers.

I got mine 7years ago now but I need to get a new one ...Windows 8 looks very different to my XP so I am a little worried about the change so will keep my old XP for as long as I can.
I never new I had Glaucoma until I tried a new optometrists so it wise to not always go to the same place and like yours the new place had a lot of new machines ..that is what found my glaucoma

Robert hope all went well with your eye op...thinking of you :-)

After our winter storm the other day we have a yard full of everyone Else's leaves all over the place so it is cleanup day today until the next storm I guess.

Beter Get back to it :-(

Suex <3 <3 <3