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Susan Report 10 Dec 2013 05:53

Hello Friends

Glad you are finally back sally,I seem to be OK at the moment re GR and I do use IE.

The OH is having surgery on his knee as we speak ...his surgeon had a cancellation for the 10th so we grabbed it.

Sylvia my prayers are with you and your family for your SIL.

I am waiting for Hospital to ring to say he is back from surgery .

I will be back on tonight :-)

Love to you all <3

Suex :-D <3


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Dec 2013 21:52

welcome back Sally!!!

At least, you are on here now :-)

I use only Firefox ........... gave up on IE for GR, and have never tried Chrome.

Lovely to "see" you xxxxx


Sally Report 9 Dec 2013 21:18

hello hello hello :-D :-D :-D :-D

it took just over two hours for the person to sort out they tried all the suggestions gr and others on fb had given me none worked

tried chrome it froze

and guess what I will only give you one but you will not have try very hard

gr have a broken linck :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-|

so in the end they tried putting gr as my home page and here I am and still on I e

Sylvia sorry to hear your news of your sil but pleased your test went well
I think I gave you the wrong email it is .com not co silly mebut thankyou for trying to help me

the girls on g r a asked me if I needed help it is a very interesting site

I wonder how reese is she has not been on for ages

hope everyone is all right

sally w <3


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Dec 2013 19:24

Hi Sue, and everyone

We have had several days of very cold bu sunny and dry weather ................. around -4 or 5C during the day. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Today it was very cloudy when I woke up ............. and now here is white stuff coming down!

It is very fine and dry snow ........ which is very unusual for Vancouver. We usually get the heavy wet type

Things are not good for my sis-i-l. The radiation does not seem to have helped the brain tumour, there is still a lot of swelling there, and she has not recovered the use of her right side.

She is back home, with care givers, and is using a wheel chair to get around.

I have got everything for Christmas, just have to make up one parcel, and get the Christmas letter printed and cards written.

We are gong to friends for Christmas.

Take care everyone



Cynthia Report 9 Dec 2013 13:14

Hello everyone......I'm guilty of neglect yet again.... :-(

Your news is very sad indeed Sylvia....such a shame. <3

There have been a lot of complaints on GR's FB page about people being unable to access the site. I can get on OK but often get the error message when posting on some threads. I wonder if GR will ever get their act together re this site??? :-S

I've nearly finished my Christmas shopping - just a few bits and bobs to get now. Will be glad when it's the middle of January to be honest....... :-D

We don't put our decorations up until the week before Christmas and I they come down as soon as possible afterwards!!! Couple of killjoys we are!!

Have been fairly busy as usual and now have a mountain of ironing to tackle.

Hope everyone is okay - even if they only pop in periodically...Love to all. Cx <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Dec 2013 22:12

Sally is having problems getting on to GR ................ it's been going on for 8 or 9 days already.

She has been asking GR to help on their FB page ................. but it isn't working.

She has someone coming in tomorrow to try to sort it out for her.

I think it is the same problem that a lot of people have been having.

They use Internet Explorer, and it has been upgraded to IE11, which has problems interacting with GR.

There is a fix, but I think Sally has been having problems working out how to do it. :-(

She's asked me to tell you all why she has been absent.


Susan Report 3 Dec 2013 04:19

That is wonderful news about yourself and good news about your SIL, you just never know with all the new drugs coming out .

Anne I am the same but I think I may have gotten rid of a few Kilos with this latest bout of Flu.

Off to Bunbury today for the OH to see his surgeon for his knee,at least we should get that fixed sooner that his neck.

Check in later
Suex <3


Tabitha Report 2 Dec 2013 13:51


Join the club - I cannot seem to lose weight either - all i have been told is I need to eat a lot more & then I will lose weight - apparently I don’t eat enough food to ever get slim again

I just physically cannot eat a lot of food at any one time – I also do not have any appetite for food.

So cant win any way


Old Report 2 Dec 2013 11:56


So glad the check up was OK and hope your eyes are OK at the check up.

Had my annual retinopathy check and that was OK. Just wish I could lose some weight as this would improve diabetes, blood pressure and general well being - difficult with Christmas coming up ;-)


Tabitha Report 1 Dec 2013 18:38

Sylvia - so sorry to hear your news - You will all be in my thoughts

Had my flu jab a few days ago - better than last year my arm hurt for ages - this year it was a little hard but so very hot for several days - it felt like it was burning a hole in my sleeve. Its the OZ one again as apparently you had a nasty type of flu over there earlier so they used that one

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Dec 2013 05:35

Hi Sue, and everyone

Arthur and Sue ........ thank you so much xxxx

A bit of good news came on Thursday ..................... I had to go to the doctor for my 6 monthly check-up ............ it's just a couple of months over 2 years since I had the mastectomy.

All was fine. The stool test I did was also fine. AND, the doc was even quite happy about my bp .................... higher than it should be, but it has steadied so that it is not bouncing around like it was. .......................

he said he didn't want to see me for another 6 months, ie the next check-up! :-D

I actually had 2 docs doing the check ......... the Resident and the Clinic doctor on duty .............. both said to continue with these 6 monthly checks for another 3 years.

All I've got hanging over me now is an appointment with a eye specialist for a check-up, and with a dermatologist to remove the squamous cell cancer on my shin. All that sun I exposed myself to back in the 50s and 60s :-(

sis-i-l has had 3 doses of radiation, says she hasn't felt any improvement in usage of her arm, but there's hope yet. She should be back in her own home next Wednesday. Then they will discuss the chemo regime.

We are continuing with our plans to go to our friends on the Island for Christmas .................. I'm going to reserve the vehicle space on the ferries there and back tomorrow.

We are debating about what to do in the way of Christmas decorations! OH will buy a wreath for the front door from the Botanical Garden shop this coming week .................. and that might be it!

I always used to make our wreath when I was working there, OH tried it twice after I;d retired, but decided it wasn't for him!

take care everyone



Susan Report 1 Dec 2013 04:28


I am so sorry to hear your news and on top of Christmas too.

I do hope the radiation and Chemo helps and you never know miracles do happen,I shall pray for her, you and your husband.

It is not a nice World at the moment is it much happening everywhere.

I feel like a sook now for complaining about the flu .

Our weather cannot make its mind up one minite it is hot the next it is raining.
We have not yet put up the Chrissy lights,with our dear neighbour over the road now passed it does'nt seem right to do so but we have to try and brighten things up for the Children.
We do get a lot of drivebys looking at the lights every year.

I had better get off shopping,love to you and your family Sylvia we are all thinking of you <3



Old Report 27 Nov 2013 23:19


What dreadful news. I do hope your daughter is able to make the trip.


SylviaInCanada Report 27 Nov 2013 21:33

Hi Sue, and everyone

This is not a happy house

OH's sister has now been diagnosed with a brain tumour .............. the colon cancer has metastasized.

She has been given 3 months to live

She will have 5 days of radiation and at least one course of chemo to help improve her "life".

My daughter phoned this morning ......... she wants to see if she can arrange a "long weekend" trip over to see her aunt. That depends more on sis-i-l than on getting plane tickets.

This time, she'll leave the kidwink with his father.

A VERY rude awakening this morning

The motion sensor went off ay 4:30am

I was at the bedroom door before I even opened my eyes :-D

Turned out that OH had heard the smoke alarm go off in the basement .............. through 2 closed doors, 1 room and the enclosed stair well. So he had got up without waking me, and gone to investigate.

However, he had forgotten to turn off the motion sensor, so he put one foot on the little landing at the turn of the stairs and .......................

Neither of us went back to sleep after that ................. he had set his alarm for 6 am 'cos he had to be out of the house by 7 am, and we were so worried that we wouldn't hear the alarm!

Take care everyone



Susan Report 27 Nov 2013 07:01

Hello Friends

Anne if I was in the Uk now I would be after some of those tickets ,I love the Monty Python team.

I could do with a good laugh at present.

I love my Cricket but it has gotten so nasty ,sledging is terrible on both sides, a lot of memories from last year I think .

There is a nasty flu around at the moment with all our changing temps it is any wonder we have not all got pneumonia.

I am ready for Christmas early this year for a change

Slyvia you have got a lot on ,I do hope all is well with your 6mths checkup,I get those Squamous cell growths on the back of my hands ..from riding my bike ,I have had four cut out now ,gives the back of my hands a face lift :-D...they need it .

Going off to start dinner...don't know what to cook yet .

Love to all my friends <3

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 26 Nov 2013 13:47

Still here - we are jsut flat out in the office - so not much time for a break

Who said Christmas is just around the corner - i may kill someone - they all want Xmas meals & its sooooooooooooooooooooooo fully booked.

Loads of concerts went on sale too & Monty Python have teamed up - phones going barmy & i am swamped

aaaaaaaaaaaaagh - Please take me away from all this

Hope everyone on the thread is keping well
(not mentioning the Cricket Boo Hoo)


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Nov 2013 05:03

Hi Sue, and everyone

we've had a few days of really lovely weather ................ sunny and blue skies

BUT the temperatures have been low, with frost overnight!

the long johns came out of storage :-) :-)

I think it is going to be a wee bit warmer this coming week ............... but also more cloud.

I have an opticians visit on Tuesday, my 6 monthly breast cancer checkup at teh GP's on Thursday. My blood pressure is also higher than it should be .............. so I think he will be checking that out again. They changed one of my prescriptions a few weeks ago, and it hasn't been quite right ever since then!

Then 6 monthly check-up at the dentist on Dec 16, and finally a trip to a dermatologist on the 18th .........

......... a biopsy I had about 6 weeks ago showed I had a squamous cell cancer, so I was referred to him for him to remove the rest of it, and check me out for other possibles

Makes life interesting!!

We're going to our friends for Christmas ................ we already have a Christmas pudding in the freezer from last year. We'll take that with us, but they don't "do" turkey, so am not sure what meat we'll have :-)

We do know that we will have fun!

Arthur ................... we have a wood burning open fireplace, so we're always keeping an eye open for firewood. We don't use it thta much, but it is so nice to have a roaring fire in mid-winter!

Open fireplaces are discouraged now, of course, but this house was built around 1944/45, so it is grandfathered :-D

It also puts out a tremendous amount of heat when we do light it. We'd have no worries in the event of a gas or electricity cut. The furnace and hot water heater are both operated by natural gas, the pilot light turned on by electricity!

Josie ....... it was nice to see you pop in. Hope all is going well with you?

take care everyone



Susan Report 24 Nov 2013 11:05

Hello Friends

It has been a big week this week ,up to the big smoke to see OH's surgeon for his neck and guess what he wants all his test's redone so more MRI's more X Rays and another electric test,they are very painful to have.

I can tell you he is not happy :-|

He does see his surgeon for his knee on the third of Dec so hope that goes better ,my nerves are shot to bits .
My OH is not a good patient and is getting more and more fed up with it all so he is not easy to live with at present.

Thankfully we won the first Ashes test or i think I may have gone walkabout .

I was happy to see you all want the thread to stay,just pop in when we all can ,with Crissy just around the corner I know it is hard for everyone .

I would miss you all anyway :-D.

Grt Grandaughter is staying over tonight...really looking forward to that :-D

Our weather has cooled down again thank the Lord,it just got to hot too soon we usually slowly warm up not all of a sudden .

I am trying to catch up with my email tonight I have so many being away for a few days wish me luck.

Will drop in again tomorrow :-D

Love to everyone <3


Old Report 18 Nov 2013 11:56


Do not own a wood burning stove, so relying on a friend and the vet's receptionist to take away the logs.

Always being told by the sister at the diabetic clinic that I need to lose weight and exercise essential. I now have the perfect answer - sawing branches into logs and carrying from back garden to front. We are due some cold weather so the exercise will warm me up.

My nephew is staying with me for some months. His furniture is being stored in the conservatory, but his possessions need to be stored in my loft. It was only partly boarded out, so another source of exercise was getting loft boards and lifting them into the loft. My nephew is very handy and will lay the boards. He will also make a safety surround for the loft opening - a stumble currently could have dire consequences. Will slao have to devise a cover to stop the cats coming up the loft ladder - they think they have died and gone to heaven. Getting them down has proved very difficult. At present they are shut in the kitchen so they can use the cat flap - but they do not like being prevented from exploring!

I had put off sorting my loft since I had it insulated with foam. Everything was placed in the centre under plastic sheeting. Now I can put things where I can find them. It is also a time for decluttering - for a hoarder like me this is difficult.

Trying to find time in the evening to make progress on my tree - still stuck at 1750 on my direct line.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Nov 2013 01:15

Hi Sue and everyone

Sue ...................... I think we are all just busy at the moment ............... and not spending much time on GR.

Please don't delete the thread, Sue ................ unless it becomes apparent that GR is indeed on its last legs.

There is new ownership or control in place, so we may see big changes soon ........... all fingers and toes crossed :-D

Arthur ............... glad that you got your tree cut down. Do you have a fire where you can burn the wood?

Anne ............ do hope that you get Shadow's situation regularised soon. It must be awful to have that hanging over your head!

Sally ................ nice to see you. Remember, the nasty one has gone. No-one even mentions her name now :-D

Cyn ................ I've spoken to you elsewhere :-D

We went over to the Island on Wednesday, and came back on Saturday

we got back late Saturday afternoon ............

....... it's amazing how tiring a 2 hour ferry ride, with a 20-30 minute drive on each side, can seem :-D

We did nothing but eat lunch, move to the deluxe comfortable coffee "shop" at the stern of the boat, go to the on-board shop (and spend money :-D ), knit and read! But we were both very tired when we got home!

We had a good time ........... we stayed with the friend whose husband died in May, but she invited the other friends for lunch or dinner, so we saw them all..

The weather was OK to good.

OH accompanied our friend on her morning walk each day, which made a change for her.

She really has adapted very well ........... misses her husband terribly of course, but is making determined efforts to get out and DO things. Not only has she continued to go to events, but she has even joined another committee of an organisation that interests her (music for children).

take care everyone
