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SylviaInCanada Report 27 Feb 2014 04:04

Hi Sue, and everyone

well, we had about 12 cm of snow from Friday evening to Monday evening :-(

Then yesterday and today (ie, Tuesday and Wednesday) have been gorgeous .............. foggy in the early mornings, but sunny during the day. The temperature is still only about 4C though, so there are patches of snow still lying around.

We received an offer on the cabin last week ............ at the asking price! Which meant that we had to accept the offer. The buyers had not even seen the place "live" when they made the offer, though they did go up there on Saturday, and used snow shoes to get around ................. there's about 3' of snow up there.

They said they were still interested ..... and were going to see about getting a mortgage.

The sale of the cabin then fell through on Monday......................... our realtor called both the potential buyers AND their realtor "naive" ..........

............... they had planned on putting down a 10% deposit, and then getting the rest from a government programme called CHMC

Unfortunately, for them, that programme is only for buying a principal residence, nor recreational property!

Their realtor should have checked that with them before putting in the offer ........ it's known as "pre-qualifying" to avoid wasting everyone's time :-)

Never mind, it was a good exercise for us to go through, as we have never actually sold any property before :-D

take care everyone



Tabitha Report 26 Feb 2014 13:25

I know i am as guilty but where is everyone

Lovely sunny day here makes a nice change

Shadow is behaving himself at the moment - he is in cuddle mode & wont leave me alone

Sue i need to know your secret diet - - nothing seems to work for me at the moment & the whole family including the cat need to lose a few pounds - well stones in the human case - OH & I eat very little and not very often either - so it has to be lack of metabolism & Oh how I hate this word "Exercise" aaaaaagh

Well back to the desk & computer work

Take care all


Sally Report 20 Feb 2014 16:01

hello all it is a lovely day here in Lincolnshire sun shining and quite warm for feb

oh had an appointment at hospital yesterday and he is doing all right the jabs are still holding back the cancer but still waiting for his hernia op

my daughter is making an appointment for the gp to see why we have been waiting so long it is nearly 10 months since his first o

o well

sally w <3


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Feb 2014 19:19

Hi Sue, and everyone

we're having warm wet weather here ....... what's sometimes called the "Pineapple Express". It comes straight across the Pacific from Hawaii :-)

Arthur ..................... the spelling of names was very flexible back when!

Most of our ancestors were illiterate.

Most of the enumerators were probably only barely literate

so spelling of names came down to ................

......... how the enumerator thought it should be spelled (maybe based on past experience). And out ancestors couldn't read so couldn't check the spelling .......... and, anyway, probably didn't know how to spell it themselves.

.......... how the enumerator heard the name ............... think of a thick Devon accent talking to a Yorkshireman, for example!

If all else seems to fit, then it probably is your family.

............... I've been clambering around the branches of OH's tree for the last few days, trying to put "fini" to the family in the early 1800s. Not easy!

I think I'm going to have to agree with myself that I have found everything that there is to find ............... even if it means that I do not know when A was born or when and where B and C got married!

Take care everyone



Susan Report 18 Feb 2014 11:22

Glad to hear that you are safe anyway ,it all sounds terrifying.


Old Report 18 Feb 2014 09:21

It was so good to get into the garden on Sunday and Monday.

Sunday was spent tackling the still very large piles of branches from trees that were blown down in October and New Year's Day. Still a long way to go to reclaim my garden.

Monday spent weeding and planting. Really pleased with the plants this year - everything seems to be better than ever, so the rain has brought some benefits.

The rodent population is under serious threat. My cats (really only Nikki) have killed 5 mice in the last 3 days, so my bulbs should be safe this year.

A question on Census. Was the spelling of Surnames down entirely to the person completing the form. I found a Census that appeared to show family I was looking for, all details matched except the name - should have been Dickson and was spelt Dixon. Census was 1861 for England..


Susan Report 18 Feb 2014 08:19

Hi everyone

I hope you all still have homes in the UK ,I can't believe the rain you have been getting.
Do any of you have Snow yet ,that will make things twice as bad.

Anne Apple and Rhubarb Crumble I learnt to make at School ,it is one of my favorites,I to am on a diet and for a change it is working ...lost 5 Kilos so far,with the OH not working I am not cooking the same meals so I am eating less.

Our weather is still very hot,always get fed up around Feb...waiting for some much needed rain.

Computer running very good at the moment as I touch wood.

Might try to come back on again tonight if anyone is around ,thinking of going World cover with Ancestry,a few of my brick walls are getting to me now.

Love to all my Friends <3

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 16 Feb 2014 14:05

Beautiful sunny day - A little chilly but a wonderful day for a walk.

Both my boys sleeping off Sunday lunch - found a small joint of Pork in the local supermarket bargain basement food locker - reduced by a pound & well worth the money.

Made a very nice roast & the best ever Pork crackling - OH finished off my Rhubarb & Apple crumble & custard - I had the Crackling & excellent it was too - so much for the diet - it went out the window.

Oh well tomorrow is another day & only a 4 day week so something else to look forward to - and visiting the in-laws.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend


Tabitha Report 15 Feb 2014 18:56

All quite on the Southern front at the moment

Shadow fast asleep snoring by the said of me on my folder - so I can no longer do any work - he has been a bit poorly - looks like his "fight" with Mylee on Sunday did a little damage. He looked fine but was tending to run away & sleep a lot. Wednesday evening I though there was a strange smell - but could not track it down. OH said it came from the building site at the back of the garden.

Thursday Shadow really off his food & very miserable - when he sat on my lap in the evening - very strange smell appeared - so I grabbed him & it was around his ear & his fur was all matted. How on earth we missed it I have no idea.

So I got some fresh boiled water (cooled down) & cotton wool & got OH to hold him & calm him while I bathed. Quite an infection he had & Mylee fur embedded in it too - nasty smelly lump. 10 cotton wool balls later - smell going - matted fur gone & so had the erroneous fur too & greenish lump disappeared. Dried him off gently & gave him his favourite food - which he woofed down - then he cuddled up to OH for a good kip.

I keep wondering how I missed it. Anyway he slept with me all night cuddled so tightly - till he woke with a start & clawed my nose by accident - try & explain that at work. It looked so much better in the morning & gave it another gentle wash & the head came off the spot & a little blood - no more smell & I felt better too. He was back to his old self & during the afternoon OH gave him a good brush so he was extra happy.

Went to the dentist & when we got home found a few lumps of black fur & he had got rid of the last of the slightly matted fur - he must have know I was going to take the scissors to him that evening. He seems back to his old self now & ear is fine.

I will keep a watch in case we need the vets.

We had some very heavy winds last night & two big downpours this morning but thankfully no damage.

Glad everyone seems to be recovering

Arthur your girls seem to keep you busy with little gifts - very pleased mine doesn't do that - he likes looking out the window & glaring at the squirrels & Magpies which he really hates - he tolerates the wood pigeons & leaves the seagulls alone - he is not sure what to do with the crow.

Ah OH has stopped his research now - so Shadow is on the move towards his chair & a lap - so I can finish off my page at last.

So will leave you all to peace & quiet & may pop in tomorrow

Take care all


Cynthia Report 13 Feb 2014 13:35

Hello all.....sounds as though everyone has either been poorly or very busy having fun with their pets...... :-D

It's such a beautiful day here today that it's hard to imagine what the poor folk in the south are going through. We have had a lot of rain and some high winds but nothing compared to what those living on the coast have had. The scenes have been dreadful but very awe inspiring to watch nature at full strength.

I'm still working on two trees and it takes up much of my spare time but it's fun too.

I actually managed, after at least 2 years of trying, to buy new curtain for my lounge and dining room. They tone in very nicely with the suite and the carpet so I am a happy bunny now. :-D :-D

OH went back for his monthly eye injection on Monday and he amazes me. He absolutely loathes injections but, for some reason, he goes off as meekly as a lamb and carries on as normal afterwards...... :-S

Other than that, nothing else exciting has happened....I can cope with boredom though......much better than having a crisis!!

Take care and love to you all......Cx <3


Old Report 12 Feb 2014 20:56


I wouldn't be without my two little treasures.

Unlike Shadow mine enjoy the rain - and being dried when they come in.

Sill catching local wildlife - a shrew and a mouse. Both were killed outside and not eaten when brought in to show me.

They spend a lot of time sleeping in a single cat bed, washing each other and then, without warning, go for each other in a murderous way. I am assured by the vet that this is 'playfighting'

Our road has flooded again but I do not think any water has gone into a property.

Living at the bottom of a hill and a steep slope you might think I was in a dangerous position. The ground rises from the road to my bungalow and the water rushes past my garden to form a stream on my neighbour's drive.



Tabitha Report 12 Feb 2014 12:57

Hi Sally

Dont you just love the little furry darlings - mine is still sulking - he hates the rain & high winds & we ilive on top of a high hill & the wind sweeps up from the coast .

He hates it when the rain hits on the door or windows & hides in the heating cupboard

In this sort of weather I am very glad we are on top of the hill - not so when icy. I feel very sorry for the flood victims its been like this since Christmas too. I agree in other countires its a disaster zone.

I heard it may be going on for at least another month - my OH is getting so fed up of sitting behind windscreen wipers for hours on end, day after day its giving him quite a lot of headaches.

Oh well back to work Take care all


Sally Report 11 Feb 2014 21:42

hello all

o ann what joy our pets give us

sunday night there was a great crash ilisened for oh to move to investigate but he did not I lwas waiting for more noise but must have gone back to sleep

oh was up before me the hoover was on the floor across the hall one of my little darlings mus have jumped on the handle :-| :-|talk about ghosts in the night

I feel so sorry for the thousands of people in the floods and hardly anything being done to help them if it was any other country it would have been classed a disarster and a fund would be set up

sally w <3


Tabitha Report 11 Feb 2014 14:03

Sounds like we all caught the tummy bug - its doing the rounds around the world

Glad everyone is feeling better

Poor little thread seems very lonely

Shadow has been living up to his real name of "Scrappy Doo"

He seems to be trying to pick fights with everyone in the neighbourhood who invades his garden or bedroom.

He has been trying to work out how Ginger Nut gets in the house but wasn’t quick enough to Catch him coming through the door - except on Thursday

He was sitting on my lap being brushed before I left for work (he was going to be on his own nearly all day) So we were giving him a lot of attention. He heard a loud thump on the floor & then Ginger nut running down stairs.

Neither of us were quick enough to get to the door & he landed in the hall baring the way to the front door.

Poor old dug didn’t know where to go so dashed back up the stairs with Shadow in hot pursuit & me after them.

He cornered him in the bedroom spitting & throwing punches – so I leaned over & grabbed dug out the way.

No mean feat as he is a great weight & wriggles a lot - just carrying him down stairs when Dug escaped & Shadow
Gave chase into the study & then pinned both of us against the wall. As I grabbed Dug Shadow launched & got me & Dug escaped downstairs - with me limping behind & Shadow flying like the wind.

OH grabbed shadow in mid leap – threw him on the sofa & closed the door -
one black cat very miffed hissing & spitting behind the door – one Ginger cat scared & cowering under the stairs – Oh opened the front door & he flew out. Back in the lounge black cat sat at window swearing at Dug in the garden.

Me in the bathroom cleaning off the blood on my legs - one deep cut & three very long deep scratches & no long plasters, a few scratches on my arm. OH very cross with Shadow & gave him a good talking to & didn’t put any Dreamies down for him & he was left on his own all day. OH still not talking to him that evening & me trying to clean up the wounds & find better dressings.

Sunday he went out in the winter sun & there was this almighty noise from the outside pathway – OH went out & found Shadow & Mylee (large Tabby & white) curled up together locked in combat – both sets of back feet kicking away & bits of fur flying – front claws locked & both heads trying to get at each other’s neck. – the noise was amazing.

So OH clapped his hands & smacked them both & they ran off in different directions. Shadow came back after 30 mins & didn’t go out the rest of the day or Monday – he was very strange & went & hid in the cupboard for the afternoon & didn’t leave my lap all evening (except when i had to move him & go to bed) he then slept by me all night.

He is in such a funny mood at the moment

Better go as taken up too much of your time already


Susan Report 11 Feb 2014 08:23

Hello Everyone

Sorry I have been missing but like Sylvia I have had a tummy wog of some kind from both ends .
I am blaming it on our grt Grandaughter,she went to a little persons Birthday party and came down with gastro,she in turn passed it around ,the little sweetheart.

I am all good now and my Computer is going great guns ,so pleased with myself.

Sylvia happy to hear you Dau is on the mend,it does not matter how old they are they are still your children and we do worry about them ,I hope all will be good in the future.

I am going to get back into my research again now seeing as Genes seems to be working better and it is not so frustrating .
I was getting very annoyed using the site and I have had plenty to do around here anyway.

Lots of Bushfires everywhere in OZ at present,none around me thank the Lord ,so many people have lost their homes it is heartbreaking to watch on TV.

Western Australia did have some bushfires but mostly up in Perth along the hills ,people will build house with trees all around them then they wonder why they burn down,still it is sad to see it happen anyway.

My garden is picking up as we have had a few weeks now of only low 30s c,that tempt suits me just fine not to hot and not to cold but we really need some rain now.

Now I have to get some dinner on. :-D

Love to all my friends :-D <3

Suex <3


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Feb 2014 23:54

oh dear, poor little thread!

I think I have re-joined the human race, after having another bout of stomach flu, or norovirus, or whatever. I started with it last Wednesday night, so it has taken its time for me to recover ........... it was my second bout in only 2 weeks, as I had a bout while we were on the East Coast helping the daughter.

OH had this current one on Tuesday last week ................. so I'm blaiming him for sharing it :-)

I even went for afternoon coffee this afternoon, for the first time since last Wednesday! :-)

Today is a Stat Holiday in this province ..................... Family Day

It's really an excuse for a day off between Christmas and Easter .............. which can be as long as 4 months apart.

It is raining hard here, and much warmer than it was, at about +5C.

The rain IS better than the original forecast of snow, followed by freezing rain, followed by rain!

take care everyone



Cynthia Report 4 Feb 2014 13:40

Hello everyone........ :-)

Looks as though people on here are busy doing other things at the moment :-(

I have to admit to being guilty of that fact myself. The boards are so slow on GR that I only really come on in the morning and then at lunchtime to do my messaging bit and, after that, I may not revisit.

I am still helping two friends with their family trees and that tends to take up any spare time I have on here. I do enjoy it but, by 9.30pm...I am cross-eyed!! :-S

We have had a couple of beautiful mornings here, so we have taken the opportunity to get out for a little while. Yesterday we went to Ikea and I bought a new swivel chair for use at my desktop and then, this morning, we went to Dunelm Mill and I bought some new curtains in the sale. Hope I like them when they are up....... :-D

I have a feeling my OH is hoping that it will rain tomorrow......just to stop me spending any more money....... :-D :-D

So now I have to go and hoover the bedrooms and try my new curtains......good fun..

Take care everyone.... Cx. <3


Sally Report 30 Jan 2014 21:00

hello again

I for got to say Sylvia it sounds as if it was a very beutifull service for your sil

abd that your daughter is feeling a lot better and you are fully recoverd

sally w <3


Sally Report 30 Jan 2014 14:39

good to see you both back

iam sorry to say that we had a sighting of the white stuff :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| :-|

sally w


Susan Report 30 Jan 2014 04:31

Hi Everyone

I am back up and running, computer was giving me a lot of problems ,I am on Chrome for Genes but that is from choice it is a lot faster .

Sally Rollo did give me a few pointers but in the end I did not need the drastic reloading of windows thank the Lord...don't think I could have managed that .

getting rid of my old restore points I think fixed it ,I only ever did a restore to another date to get rid of something I have downloaded wrong or clicked the wrong button for something.
I did a good full scan with my Malwarebytes and it found 76 errors and bugs,it is running very good now on Windows and it also now gets on better with Chrome.

I am not going to update my Computer until they sort out the problems with Windows 8....waiting for 9 in 2015 it is supposed to be better.

Sylvia what a week you have had ,I am very glad all went well with your Sister In Law's Funeral ,happy to hear your dau is on the mend ,my thoughts and good wishes for your family.

Hot weather here is getting to all of us ,as usual waiting for Winter to return,My Roses are Ok but not as good as most years ...extra water and Fertilizer at the moment to help them through this hot weather.

Going shopping now so will drop in again later tonight.
Love to all my Friends <3..

Suex :-D <3