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Cynthia Report 18 Jun 2010 18:11

I've had a pm from Evelyn. She's fine but busy helping a friend in her hour of need and hopes to post on here over the weekend.


Dozey Report 18 Jun 2010 18:17

That's good to know Cynthia. Always a worry when people do not communicate for a while - especially when you are used to hearing from them on a regular basis. A PC "dying" really had me worried for a while not too long ago.

I see Ginny is getting behind the England team!


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jun 2010 19:45

Hi all

I really wish this weather would clear up ..... although all our weather men are saying that June is usually quite wet, grey and often chilly. I just do not remember having the central heating turned on so much, and so far into June!

First night of The Magic Flute went well, so OH said.

It was "big wigs" night ......... the original theatre on campus has been completely renovated and this was the opening ..... still painting etc being done though!! But the university big wigs, and some others from the local arts community attended. OH said that there was quite a lot of people standing outside hoping to get tickets for a sold out performance ..... and they were all able to get in because a lot of complimentary ticket holders didn't turn up!

The building is known as the Old Aud, short for Old Auditorium ............. originally built around 1930 or so, and used for all kinds of things from performances to drilling by the Cadet Corp, exams, and grad ceremonies. But it has not been used much for anyhting but storage for the last 20 or so years.

The opera company used to hold early rehearsals in there up until 2 years ago. OH said the highlight of those was when a rat ran across his foot! Perhaps that tells you the state it had got into?!

Finally, money was found to renovate it, although it was in quite bad shape in lots of ways. At least they didn't knock it down as they have so many other buildings.

OH says it makes a very nice 500-seat theatre.

We're going to make our first trip up to the cabin next week. A very short trip ... we'll leave here on Tuesday, spend Tuesday and Wednesday night at our favourite motel about 4½ hours from here, then come back on Thursday (possibly Friday morning). We'll drive the extra 2½ hours to the cabin on Thursday, leave the generator and some other stuff, take down the shutters, check the place out, and turn on the water.

So if I'm missing .... that's where I will be. No internet access.

I think our next visit will not be until lat August, after daughter and co leave

off for a mooch, lunch, and whatever



Tabitha Report 19 Jun 2010 16:40

Was it something I said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't beleive at 16:30 I am the first visit of the day

Hello - anyone out there - Hello

Glad to hear Evelyn is still about somewhere

Oh well - just wanted to remind everyone I am going to the OUT-LAWS - we leave tomorrow not back on line till Saturday - No Internet - No computer access - I can feel withdrawl sympoms hovering near by.

Thorpe Bay tomorrow - out for lunch as its Fathers Day - back to Hyacynths for the night - Then Dover on Monday for the 65th Wedding Anniversary & lunch with Auntie & Uncle - Tuesday we have the day to ourselves - not sure where yet - Wednesday (weather permitting) Birchington clearing the graves for possibly the last time for the oldies - Thursday its our wedding anniversary Lunch at a posh restaurant on Mum & Dad - Friday we have a day out and then home.

Keep the thread warm for me - Will miss our chats - even thought I don't post daily - I do still try & look in if I can find a few spare mins. The office move went well and all the systems worked - not quite as dark as it use to be in the back room dungeon.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend - except for the weather at the moment - we got drenched today in Canterbury - clothes still dripping in the bathroom.

Oh well will try & pop in again later

Take care all


Cynthia Report 19 Jun 2010 16:54

Close behind you Anne. Have a wonderful week - it sounds as though it's going to be great for you.

Haven't had proper rain for so long here.....just little showers and the gardens could really, really do with a good long soak. If this keeps up, we have been warned that there will be a hosepipe ban.

Been shopping with daughter today - so I'm fit for droppin' !! Am now having a sit down and an ice lolly!

Back later. Cx


Dozey Report 19 Jun 2010 19:47

Enjoy your week away Tabitha - even if it is without internet. Will everything crossed for good weather for you.

We had a drop of rain overnight Cynth but is has been so dry here even the weeds are silting. Even the deep rooted ones pull up without much effort. Never seen anything like it. I've lost a few plants here and there. Do not water often enough I suppose - but we're metered!!

Got a few e-mails to send but will be back on later to have a nose around. Mine will never go rusty:-)))


Tabitha Report 19 Jun 2010 19:50

Cynthia a kindred spirit - hope you spent loads of money

Looking at Brighton when we got home - no rain at all - it just bucketed down in Canterbury - we only wne t to the bookshop to get an anniversary card and came out and it pelted down. We kept darting into shops but had to make a dash for the car park in the end - we steamed in the car. My coat is still dripping in the bathroom now.

Should hear fromJosie tonight or early tomorrow - see how her new job is going -

I will miss you all for teh few days I am away & then Sylvia is off as well - so you Frank & Jeanie will have to keep it going while Sue is aay as well.

Such a busy time of the year.

Take care all - keep up the chat


Evelyn Report 19 Jun 2010 20:19

Hello Everyone,
Just a quick visit, I am sorry not to have been around lately but I am being a shoulder to cry on at the moment to a very dear friend.
I have read some postings and would like to say William Holden was my pin up for many years, I had the pleasure of meeting him in Weymouth MANY years ago, he was there to make the film The Key, when I met him he smelt quite strongly of alcohol, I suspect he rather liked a drop or two of whisky, he had the most beautiful blue eyes.
Must go now but will pop in as and when I can.
Much love to you all
Evelyn XXX


Dozey Report 19 Jun 2010 21:53

Hi Evelyn

Glad you're back. William Holden - yummy. Lucky whatever her name was from Hart to Hart that was married to him. From a book on my shelf it seems he gave Shelley Winters a very nice time every Xmas Eve for 7 years. What a strange relationship:-)))

Sorry to hear of your tearful friend. Sure you will help her to become a little less sad by your kindness.

Edit: Think it was New Year's Eve and his wife was Paula Prentiss?


Cynthia Report 19 Jun 2010 22:02

Hello there Evelyn.....nice to see you again. I'm sure your friend is truly grateful for all your help and support - I know I would be.

William Holden.......I seem to remember that he had a drink problem - maybe OH told me at some time - can't ask him now as he is engrossed in The Pelican Brief [for the umpteenth time].

Almost at the longest day and the evening is still light here - very pleasant.

Love to all. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Jun 2010 04:20

Hi all

yep, William Holden had a drinking problem .... but then so did many many of those stars that we all loved from the 40s and 50s.

I think we all drank more back then anyway!

Lovely to see Evelyn back ..... take care of yourself while you're helping your friend!

Anne .... have a lovely holiday away, and enjoy all the celebrations. Daughter's anniversary is June 26, can't believe it's 11 years this year for them!

Not a very good day today for me.

I fell getting off the bus coming home from a lovely time downtown .............. my left knee got that pain at the back of it as I brought it down to the ground, only this time it also gave way and I went sprawling on the ground. No other injuries, don't even seem to be bruised, but the back of my knee is very sore. All kinds of people came dashing to help ....... and one lady even went "round the loop" to find me after she saw me fall. She caught up with me at our corner (just a block away from the bus stop, but on a side street). She stopped her car, came over to me, was all ready to take me home.

OH was just leaving, and had got to the end of the back lane when he saw me, he stopped the car right there, and came running up the street. Got me in the house, helped me lie down, then had to go off. I iced my knee, put on arnica, and an analgesic cream that contiains aspirin, tried a few exercises (no no no!!), wrapped an elastic bandage round it

..... and am now spitting feathers 'cos it's hurting when I try to stand up and walk! Doesn't hurt when I'm sitting down!

Then I came on the computer for the first time today to find an email telling me that an internet friend of some 6 or 7 years died during the week after an operation about 2 weeks ago for liver cancer. There had been complications, a couple more operations, but to no avail. One of the complications would have meant that this lady would not have been able to walk if she had survived. She would have hated that.

She was Quaker and had quite a fatalistic attitude, plus a great love for her religion.

I shall miss her as she had become a good friend over the years. I nearly met her face-to-face when I was in London in 2008, but unfortunately she got some bug or other and couldn't travel to London for a lunch several of us were having.

ah well

it's Father's Day tomorrow ...... and I'm hoping that daughter will phone her dad.

I got an email from her on Friday saying she didn't know whether they would have time to phone because it was a "big" day for the in-laws. She said she would try to phone on Monday. I suggested that she'd better do her best on Sunday! There will be words if she doesn't .

..... OH is very forgiving, but this is not the first time this has happened. The in-laws are more vociferous about what must be done and when, we tend to be more easy-going, and do understand the problems of being away from parents (after all we moved away from our own parents!) .......... but this just seemed the last straw.

going to mooch around the boards.

It's a lovely Saturday evening.

It's summer on Monday!



Susan Report 20 Jun 2010 11:04

Hi Everyone

We got home about an hour ago from my Brothers place in Toodyay,it is a long four hour drive that I may say I drove all the way home myself,thought I would give the OH a rest as he drove all the way there.

We had a very nice weekend very suuny for the two days so we had a chance to help him on his property that is a bout 10 acres big,
He has let a lot go while looking after his wife so a bit of a hand was in order.

Sister in Law is doing ok,she is still waiting for her hair to start to grow.

Sylvia do you know how long it takes for it to start to grow back,she has finished her Cemo about three weeks ago,does anyone know how long it takes,even just a stab in the dark will help her she is worried it is not going to come back again.

Will come back a bit later on ,have to unpack and get some dinner on .



SylviaInCanada Report 20 Jun 2010 19:14

Hi all

somewhat grey today .. but it is a little warmer. I was still cuddling under the duvet overnight and early this morning though!

Spring starts officially tomorrow, June 21st

Sue ..... I really don't know.

It is such an individualistic thing ................ also the quantity, type and colour of hair may be different. I have one friend whose hair is lusher and easier to handle than it was before, and then another friend who has very weak and thin hair that doesn't grow very fast.

Some women say that stimulating the scalp with massaging may help. Don't know whether they used anything special or just a general oil or lotion.

mocching around the boards



FRANK06 Report 20 Jun 2010 21:06

Honestly Sylvia,

When will you women learn to take it easy.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
............and stop leaping off buses, that's how my OH broke her hip !

Here is an interesting comparison between Mother's day & Father's day..........More phone calls are made in the United States during Mother's Day than during Father's Day, but the percentage of collect calls on Father's Day is much higher, making it the busiest day of the year for collect calls...............gasp, is that why we are always skint?

Anyway we celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary yesterday and I spent it helping my son-in-law to put in coving, new sockets, skirting boards etc. in the nursery.
Today was father's day and my American daughter phoned (not collect) to wish me a good day, but I was still at my other daughter decorating the nursery etc.............I am exhausted.

That's what dads are for ehh............. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Cynthia Report 20 Jun 2010 21:36

Showing your age Frank - a little bit of coving and some skirting board and your done for.......I don't know.

If I've told Sylvia about jumping off buses once, I've told her a hundred times.....murder ain't she??

Sue, that sounds like a really tiring drive....I love driving but four hours would be enough without a rest I think. Glad to hear that your sil is doing well and I'm sure they were glad to have you there.

Golly, it's been a long day. See you tomorrow folks. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Jun 2010 22:46

but I didn't jump off the bus

said in a whiney voice

I stepped off the bus very carefully, and my knee gave way when I put weight on it

it waren't my fault

said in an even whinier voice


Dozey Report 21 Jun 2010 13:24

Whine away Sylvia. It cannot be much fun. Do hope daughter phoned OH on his special day. You're teasing her Cynthia!

Sorry Frank - not very good at being placid not since I'se growed up. Got quite cross yesterday. Some chap drove into the place of air and water yesterday, got out of the car and WENT INTO THE SHOP'

Came out so I was hopeful of checking my tyres but no - he just kept sitting there. Someone else waiting to use it behind me. In the end I got out, tapped on his window and pointed out it was not a parking place. Oh, but I'm waiting to use the vacuum cleaner (in the next bay). So I smiled and asked him politely if he wouldn't mind moving back as I had an appointment to keep. Call my a grumpy old woman if you like but why cannot people show a little consideration for others now and again?

See other Community Names have cropped up - needing a click on the request review button.

Must go. Intend to be back later.



Cynthia Report 21 Jun 2010 14:34

Me? Tease Sylvia? Never!!!

Believe that and you'll believe anyfink!

As they would say around here Sylvia, you're a reet whinger! lol

Had a lovely morning out with OH. Went into Bolton and just ambled around stopping in the sunshine for coffee outside a coffee shop. Very pleasant it was too. We commented on older folks who still hold hands and laughed because someone said it was to stop them falling over!

Loads of ironing to do but am going to browse for a while first.

Hope Kiwibird makes it back soon. Cx


Susan Report 21 Jun 2010 14:41

Hi Everyone

Sylvia thankyou for your imput,I suppose it is an individual thing .

Some people recover quicker than others ,She still looks very pale to me so maybe her body needs a bit more time in repair stage.

I have had a busy day today ,washing and cleaning the car after our long drive .
It is a very dusty place Toodyay,But quite historical for Australia.
You would think a cowboy would ride a horse up the street,just like a western movie.

I hav'ent had a chance to catch up with all the goss on the thread but I think that will have to wait until tomorrow it is nearly my bedtime.

See you all tomorrow.


Dozey Report 21 Jun 2010 19:38

Just a quickie to say I have had two pieces of good news this weekend. Sister made it back to Daubhill after this year's cruise with no bones broken! Last year she broke her ankle, year before she broke her shoulder.

Friend who runs Hants Greyhound Rescue with her husband ran in the Race for Life in Basingstoke yesterday. She must be heaps better than when I last saw her.

Enjoy your evening. More football, ugh. Will find something else to do. No telly for me tonight.
