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Julie Report 25 Oct 2009 11:11

I sent one to someone 5 years ago now


Pauline Report 25 Oct 2009 10:27

Thanks all for your replies. Did not know about the "open" bit. Now I will know if they have seen my question. I agree, I do not let them see my tree untill contact has been made.I suppoose as stated,, some people give up, loose interest least I had my little moan


InspectorGreenPen Report 25 Oct 2009 09:58

I have just done a quick count and I have access to over 450 members trees on this site, and turn have granted access to over 200. I only grant access after a firm connection has been proven and I feel comfortable with the member concerned.

Only once have I ever come across what I would term a Name Collector, and he got short thrift. In my experience, most people I share with are only interested in their little corner of my tree. I can count on one hand those who have probably added more names to theirs from mine than I would have done, if it was the other way around, , but it is no big deal for me and that is a risk you take.

If you feel so strongly that you don't want anyone at all to see your tree, then leave it off, or at least leave off the names and details that you think are private.

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Oct 2009 09:33

Some people simply gather names Steven, they aren't bothered if there is a family link having the same surname seems them to think they should be allowed access to information that has cost its 'owners' a great deal of time and often money to collect. If there is a family link then Im more than happy to open my tree but if its as vague as the same surname then its a no Im afraid


Persephone Report 25 Oct 2009 04:53

This one rears its head from time to time about non replies.

Whatever you do when you send a message don't give that person the right to view your tree. They may open the little purple envelope not get back to you and the next thing you know half your tree has been copied.

Make sure the box at the bottom of the message is not ticked!!!!!!!!


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 25 Oct 2009 00:40

if you send a PM via genes then providing the recipient hasn't changed their email address that they gave when they joined ,then they will get an email saying a contact has been made,
You can check to see is someone has viewed a message by going to you sent messages ,If the Box on the side is still Purple then they havent read the email. If the box is Pale then the email has been opened and read,
Its frustrating when you are waiting for a reply but none comes! even if they are no longer Genes members they can reply to your email.What they cant do is to initiate contact if they are not up to date members


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Oct 2009 00:40


GR does send an email to everyone who has received a pm on this site, but they do not send emails to say that there have been responses on the actual threads.

However ....................... it does depend on GR having the correct email address. If the person has changed addresses, and not notified GR, then there is no way they will get the notice.

People start trees on here, and then lose interest ............. or become ill ......... or die

GR claims something like 10 million members ............................ that is the total number of people who have joined this site since it began! Who knows how many "active" members there are?

Has your message been opened? To find out, go to your Messages, click on Sent Messages in the box to the left

.......... if it has been sent but not opened, the envelope will be purple

If it has been opened, then the envelope will be green

If it has been opened and a reply sent back, then their will be a darker green arrow over the envelope.

As to time taken ............... I've heard people on these reporting that they've finally got an answer after 18 months!

I do hope that you gave sufficient information in your request

......... I refuse to answer any requests that say "Please may I see your tree", or anything less than something like the:-

"I see that you have George Smith, b. ca 1851, in Buckinghamshire, in your tree. I also have George Smith born ca 1851 in Buckinghamshire. He is my gt grandfather. My George Smith married Louisa Foster in 1875, and had children, including Samuel who was my grandfather. Do you think we could have a match?"



Pauline Report 25 Oct 2009 00:22

How long should be a resonable time to get replies to messages? i thought we all want to increase our tree? Some people don't reply. i think a quick reply would be nice. Do GR send e-mails to all , to say they have a message? i just get a little frustrated , so decided to have a moan. Sorry!!