Would you be kind enough to see if there are any Golding entries for Ditton and Trottiscliffe please?
Thank you. Alison
sorry no Flint/cuddington marriages
I have the following
Allington (M 1813-1832); Appledore (M 1700-1837, Bns 1755-1818); Ash by Ridley (C 1560-1605, M 1562-1691); Ashurst (C 1716-1753, M 1716-1732, B 1716-1753); Aylesford (M 1750-1812); Benenden (C 1558-1906, M 1578-1836, B 1558-1906); Bethersden (M 1556-1708); Bexley (M 1723-1837); Biddenden (Many errors & omissions found. Records are being re-worked from the parish registers and will be re-issued later); Bobbing (M 1738-1753); Boughton Malherbe (M 1671-1814: gap 1715-1754); Bredhurst (M 1813-1837) Brenzett (M 1538-1837, Bns 1757-1815) Brookland (M 1813-1837); Broomfield (M 1754-1806); Burmarsh (M 1572-1811); Chalk (M 1813-1837); Charing (M 1590-1685); Chart Sutton (M 1558-1752); Chelsfield (M 1802-1812); Cliffe (M 1813-1837); Cobham (M 1813-1837); Cooling (M1719-1837); Cranbrook (C 1559-1812, M 1559-1837, B 1559-1812) Detling (M 1754-1793); Ditton (M 1665-1749); Doddington (M1769-1812); Downe (M 1538-1787); Dymchurch (M 1754-1813); East Farleigh (M 1813-1837); East Sutton (M 1650-1812, Bns 1757-1807); Eastchurch, IOS (M 1677-1812); Ebony (C 1572-1812, M 1572-1812: gap 1578-1710, B 1572-1812, Bns 1755-1823); Erith (M 1801-1812); Fairfield (M 1559-1754); Farnborough (M 1801-1812); Farningham (M 1814-1837); Folkestone (C 1635-1665, M 1635-1665, B 1635-1665); Frindsbury (M 1735-1793, Bns 1758-1787); Frinsted (M 1560-1811); Frittenden (M 1813-1837); Gravesend (M 1813-1837); Halling (M 1754-1808); Halstow, High (M 1654-1836); Halstow, Low (M 1813-1837); Harrietsham (M 1538-1812, Bns 1756-1827); Headcorn (M 1560-1837); High Halden (M 1558-1837); Hollingbourne (M 1813-1837); Hoo, All Hallows (C 1629-1706, M 1629-1810, B 1629-1795); Hoo, St Mary (M 1813-1837); Hoo, St Werburgh (M 1587-1837; gap 1700-1740); Hope, All Sts (M 1591-1708); Horton Kirby (M 1684-1812, Bns 1755-1823); Hunton (M 1585-1836); Ivychurch (M 1715-1812); Iwade (M 1758-1812, Bns 1781-1813); Kenardington (M 1706-1837); Keston (M 1754-1810, Bns 1754-1798); Knockholt (M 1550-1754); Lee, St Margt (M 1754-1778, Bns 1754-1778); Leeds ( M 1557-1837, Bns 1756-1807); Leysdown (M 1813-1836); Linton (M 1682-1837); Maidstone, All Sts (M 1754-1812); New Romney (M 1813-1834); Newington-n-Sitt (M 1813-1836); North Cray (M 1830-1835); Offham (M 1813-1850); Old Romney (M 1538-1811); Otham (M 1814-1835); Pembury (M 1560-1812); Postling (M 1814-1837) Preston-n-Fav (M 1591-1812); Ridley (C 1625-1812, M 1631-1829, B 1635-1811); Rochester, St Margt (M 1829-1831); Rochester, St Nich (M 1727-1754); Rolvenden (C 1558-1840, M 1558-1840, B 1558-1840); St Mary Cray (M 1580-1751); Sutton Valence (M 1577-1836); Teston (M 1686-1811, Bns 1769-1796); Thurnham (M 1758-1812); Trottiscliffe (M 1540-1811, Bns 1755-1811); Ulcombe (C 1560-1563, M 1754-1812, B 1560-1562, Bns 1754-1812); Upchurch (M 1633-1811, Bns 1656-1808); Warehorne (M 1727-1837, Bns 1755-1813); West Farleigh (M 1813-1857); West Kingsdown (M 1725-1837, Bns 1758-1806); West Peckham (M 1561-1754); Willesborough (M 1813-1837); Wilmington (M 1754-1812); Woodchurch (M 1538-1837, Bns 1654-1824); Wouldham (M 1815-1836); Yalding (M 1813-1837).
These are the only parishes I have